Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Some of Swedens helicopters would be in the chopping block with Norwegian sub-tree.

Like the MH-60 taking a space at top tier.

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Oh? Do you think it’d come so soon? We’ve only had 1 devblog

@someweirdname answer me

Vehicle*, singular. F-16AJ, which as said previously is on the chopping block.
Trialed* BTW, which is a method used not often, and still above adding prototypes.

They’re still real vehicles, and still trialed by Sweden. People being upset at real vehicles need a soda.

No they wouldn’t, trialed vehicles stay in tech trees as they’re not fake.

BTW Mysto is posting exclusively lies to provoke everyone here, so I’m not addressing their posts.

How do you know for sure as confirmed by Gaijin that it is on the chopping block?

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I understand that they were trialed. But then Russia can ger Centauro 120. Sweden can also get Lecrech MBT because they trialed that also. Adding vehicles to a nation that they only trialed is still weird thin


On the other line are the Yudintsev brothers…

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It’s no different to trialing prototypes, just they’re trialing production service vehicles instead.

Translation : Mysto keeps exposing me, I haven’t got the time too see if my words have evidence to them. So I’m not going to provide evidence to him because like I’ve said I don’t know what I’ve said is actually true or not.

/s lmao

We do not have prior president on this afaik. Given their very very lackluster basis i would consider them to be on the chopping block for removal.

Will it happen? We will have to see

Oh jes not in here we don’t want more strange entities


OMG a British F-14 ? lol

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Yeah…like i said…it still feel for me like a think line for adding vehicles. It is one adding trial vehicles that the nation it self made and adding a trial vehicles that nation thinks about buying from other nations.

Are you aware of what a strawman fallacy is?
My statements: IF Thai sub tree is added.

No where do I say anything close to what you & the other dude created a strawman about.
Look up the word “IF” if you need to.

WW2 milk truck incoming

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I hope this blog isn’t too controversial other wise we need to make a part 2 in a few hours

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i hope it isnt a boat/ww2 or something for the us again


WW2 blogs I find more enjoyable than top tier ones tbf

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Well we need to get to part 3 somehow. The more controversial the better.

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