Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Britian never owned an F14, nor any promotional material was made. Its as good as saying “I thought about buying a car, but never did” and then saying I operated the car.

Canadian or Australian F18s fill the gap. Why this weird gymnastics act to give Britian an aircraft they never owned, or did anything with beyond thought about?

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Do you have an exact statement that: “Only UK will have Canada” or “UK will definitely receive equipment from Canada?”

I don’t think

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What part of the ministry of defence was looking at it but was too much for them to buy ?
If they were cheaper we would of been using them.

So it’s a good stop gap

oh god another RazerVon


You’re fighting yourself you fool lmao
Im not even making that claim!
I’m saying - Theres a gap that needs filling for Britian.
Gaijin have said that CW nations will fill gaps explicitly in reference to UK.
Canada is a CW nation
Australia is a CW nation
Where are you struggling here? It’s a no brainer.


Ah yes adding the F-15J to the current top tier. That totally isn’t a recipe for disaster.

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Me or Legwolf?)

Thats a dogshit reason imo
Every country evaluates the best options available to it when choosing new kit. Britian was nevee going to buy F14s because of the cost.

Its a fantasy.

F-18s are unlikely, but possible.
And SAAF Gripen is more likely than a Commonwealth F-18.

@someweirdname Aw, I’m glad you see yourself as a Razer.

F-15J would be in-line with F-16C & Mig-29SMT.

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The development branch is called UK, not the Commonwealth. What smin said is as vague as it gets

Gripen is also likely yeah. I’m just throwing out alternatives

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You have no way of knowing that. Please stop speaking as if you do.

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Yet iirc at the same time the most recently added australian vehicle was added to the US tree.

Damn…if only the community manager made a comment that gives context as to why…
"We have not confirmed every single Commonwealth vehicle will be moved or added to the UK tree. As explained in the T-90 blog, we do indeed plan to add some nations in to supplement the British roster.

But currently we do not have an Australian and Canadian sub-tree home in the UK tree. So their vehicles can still be deployed to the most applicable nations in game where those needs are present on a vehicle by vehicle basis

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Isn’t the J pretty much an F-15C?

I mean I wouldn’t mind, because the F-15 is probably my favourite plane IRL. The sooner I can fly it in game in a balanced environment the better imo.

Imagine the F-14K with Rolls Royce engines now that will be a sight

“But currently we do not have an Australian and Canadian sub-tree home in the UK tree. So their vehicles can still be deployed to the most applicable nations in game where those needs are present on a vehicle by vehicle basis”

Remember this phrase and calm down

Yes I do. Thai sub tree is a suggestion, which means that F-16 OCU is possible for War Thunder, a 12.0 F-16.
“Fake” vehicles are removed when an equivalent replacement is found.
So F-16AJ, a 12.0, wouldn’t likely stay in the tech tree if Thailand becomes Japan’s sub tree in the future.

Yes, F-15J is a domestically produced F-15C. It’s balanced right now. AIM-9Ms and AIM-7F/Ms only.
Unless we get a MSIP F-15J.

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here’s what i expect for usa tech tree
Gripen gets added, and the most likely thing is that the Eagle will get added too (considering gaijin)