Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

56 commonwealth countries.
India, Canada, Australia and New Zealand being the most militarily outfitted.

CF-18 is from a commonwealth nation, fills a gap that the UK has, and doesn’t add game breaking features.
It fills every standard Smin and Gaijin have said


i life on the border, could do with less france, assholes come here for prostitutes, completly drunk, damage stuff and if sth happens just flee over the border again

o.O I used to live near the German Dutch border and those would come over to party regularly but never damaged anything

The Yak-141, a prototype, got production weapons.


oh no, it realy is mostly the french that are a problem

Yak-141 was never put into production, thus it doesn’t have weapons exclusive to production aircraft.
Stop denying reality.

IRIS-T were used on Prototypes

DA1 even still has some on the rails while in the museum

could you give me the russian forum pls?

IRIS-T and Aim-9x represent a leap in capability for which the R-73M as far as i can tell is just not. They use annentirely new generation of seeker type for which the Soviets don’t have anything untill maybe R74M/2

Warthunder is as far as im concerned not ready for that new type of seeker. Iirc its FPA seekers

They’re comparable to the R-74M, not R-73M.

yes well then we should remove all weapons from the Yak 141 because those were only ever mocked up

You are misreading his comments.

How about read first

Show us the country that has Yak-141 in service.

Country of service is completely irrelevant, but okay.

It’s completely relevant.
Gaijin does not add weapons to prototypes of production vehicles, ever.

Show me a statement from Gaijin that says that.

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Here’s the real list: Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Jordan

India is not included here, due to the fact that on the broadcast the fool Bullanikov called it a colony



Canada can, as I have already said several times in different countries

They had their own option that they were considering, so it’s worth waiting for

Mysto do you understand that guy’s logic?

I don’t

So when did Gaijin confirm it directly?
