if britain gets the CF-18, then literaly only germany will be the one to get the L, everyone will have modern fighters with ARH missles while germany will have to fly the bus of an f4s ice, definitly sounds like a gajin move
You guys at least have the MiG29A
UK has a bomber with missiles that dont compare to whats at top tier lmao
yes, but the Mig 29A doesnt get access to fox3 missles. Giving the L to germany for the fox 3 missles isnt fair either, just like the current uk situation
should have kept your aviation industry mate
Wonder when we get a new Dagor Engine
Around 5th ice age
UK did lmao
They created aircraft that were outstanding for their time.
Sea Harrier and Tornado were ahead of the game by decades.
Only once Tornado was retired, did we make another leap to the most powerful fighter platform on Earth lmao
Dont forget things like ASRAAM, years before comparable missiles
Maybe because currently T-14 could only use 3BM59/3BM60 Svinets? Even with longer barrel firepower would be similar to DM53/63. Though protection of T-14 is another story.
they mostly complain about protection , because it isnt realy any upgrade and still uses the old auto loader system
I’m thinking that Britians top tier fighter jer will be CF-18, if the example set by ADATS is to be believed. Maybe an Australian F/A-18.
The F-18 could be added last patch and be a comparable, not OP aircraft at 12.3
AIM-7s, HMCS, AIM-9Ms, it would just be a Canadian or Australian analogue for F-16 or MiG-29.
If they want to be fully domestic: Maybe Sea Harrier FA.2, or BAe Hawk 200? That or they’ll just give us Harrier Gr.9a
hmm… thats quite interesting. Even outside of Russia we can approach to patent about Object 195 and Armata and find that though at glance it is similar, inside it is quite different. Also AGS shows that ‘no turret armor and all in hull’ concept is quite well working in game.
might as well give germany a switz f/a-18 or the tested once a well, at least germany would have an competitive option as well
The insides are rearranged to have the crew sit like 2s38, but you’re still rocking a Russian autoloader underneath
Is MiG-29A not competitive? Thought it was one of the best fighters, and second to SMT in terms of best MiG?
Just my personal look, but if we get GR 9/9a without sniper pod im going to be very mad (im the type of guy who loved to know everything that is happening, where and in good quality of video)
R60Ms are worthless at top tier, everyone hugs the ground now so R27ERs are are far more harder to use. Not to mention that the Mig29s flight performance has been butchered.
I’d be upset as it would just be another harrier. Subsonic and dogshit compared to having a fighter
Wonder if they’ll give it R73s sometime. I feel like they deserve it
currently yes, but not anymore with the introduction of fox 3 missles