Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Personally, I’d like multi-vehicle SPAA’s to be implemented only as the weapons vehicle, with general support vehicles found in both spawns that can be used by every member of the team within a certain radius of them.

On one hand, The Typhoons were made completely clean and the F-22s were purposefully given two full external fuel tanks to give the Typhoons a chance, since they couldn’t eek out a single kill in BVR or prior WVR exercises.

On the other hand, clearly this is justification the F-22 should come to the game before the Typhoon since clearly it must be inferior.

Either way it’s funny.

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That would be an interesting addition and very helpful, I was just trying to say that neither the Type 81 C nor the JGSDF Type 11 need a secondary vehicle to function, thus could be added already without needing Gajin to stretch it over as many years as they did. As for the launcher trailer, since it can likely work with KCU too, I would prefer it to be added to a launcher vehicle so that it carries 8 missiles instead of the fairly low amount of 4 it normally would.

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That’s what I’d like, too, however eventually we’ll get to the point that A2G out-ranges surface to air by quite a lot, so adding long range SAM vehicles like the Patriot will be necessary.


For those I suggest this approach:


No such thing as too long vehicle


Tbh as much as Japan needs an SAM that’s not the main problem for the country it some way it needs a sub tree as, and some don’t wanna admit it, japan doesn’t have enough for a very packed top tier of unique vehicles.

Japan actually has quite a bit that can be added, and the SPAA situation is by far where Japan is struggling the most.

What does that say? I do not speak the Russians.

Russian jokes

I don’t mind admitting that at all, Japan does need it. While SAM can be fixed on their own CAS, various other holes and general amount of vehicles is lacking compared to others. But I guess I’m biased for really wanting the Thai subtree (especially the naval part)

Ach so.

Man adding thailand would probs be the only instance of the T84 added to the game…

Is it real?

Wait what? Is Rafale actually in the files?

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French mains are going to lose their mind if it’s real.

Honestly after the shitstorm that is the French in WT, they deserve Rafale lmao