definitly, but the rafael would make the statement that the eurofighter is to advanced just way more ridiculous
Where is this picture from?
I seem to have seen this picture a long time ago
Kind of fake :3
bottom two pics are just userskins on existing planes in wt, and gripen is a render with a badly photoshopped hungarian roundel
I am afraid that they will spoil the equipment of the early Hungarian Gripen.
Yes, since the pages of Hungarian machines are numbered 29-44. Between 1-28 were the MiG-29 A/B.
Why pierce me so quickly
You’re so bad XD
Lol, if someone thought that is true
The next time I draw a picture, I have to be careful not to be quickly recognized
why are the pilots there
I’m disgusted with Gaijin’s usual treatment of France. Where are our promises like those made for GB, like several light vehicles coming? France is perhaps the biggest modern user of wheeled vehicles and yet we hardly see them. Or maybe like the Germans that have been grumbling about their PSO and have been told that meanwhile other Leopards are coming, but what about France with the Azur, which is a downgraded S2 (and by the way, it’s NERA, not ERA, that it has to have…) ? Why nothing is told to us ?
Not to mention the SPAA vehicle line. Between reserve to 8.3 (with the biggest gap 4.3 → 8.3 of the game), Gaijin hasn’t added ANY new spaa since the TT came out several years ago, even though we have dozens of interesting choices. You really don’t want France to compet ?
And IFV too. Still nothing, except in premium of course. It would be nice if they would stop spitting on us and offer us only new premium products (first IFV premium, first stab in its time was premium too).
This year, France became the world’s second-largest arms exporter after the USA, and was 3rd after Russia for many years. When will it be felt that France is capable of being meta, powerful and interesting in war thunder? Or does Gaijin like to follow French bashing and American propaganda and leave France as if it were the same power today as it was in 1942?
Seriously, we’ve got enough to fill all our gaps, and more, but we’ve got nothing, or else obscure prototypes like the amx10M. Thanks for this box, Gaijin, I’m sure this kind of test bed for this canon is just what this nation needs. Wise choice…
Germany has had exclusivity on the only French 105 oscillating turret for more than a year, so where are the French equivalents that were promised? And this is just one example among many, I’m disgusted to see other ingame nations receiving French tech without it ever reaching France (Where vehicles/IFV with Milan launcher, is that too much to ask for one of the 2 nations behind the design of this atgm? Why don’t we have any milan atgm yet whil it’s a Franco-German launcher ?)
And the list is so long… Don’t get me started on the shape of our navy, where are our 7.0 (Dunkerque class ships ?) or our costal fleet ? You give us half a navy and let it sink like that?
They are an additional equipment, can be skipped while going on certain missions.
Anyone else notice the ADATS M113’s missile guidance has suddenly got better?
Was the missile changed? I got a kill just now at a cold target at 5.63miles
I’m expecting Vextra 105, EBRC, and MPCV/MMP
It looks like the T VI is already stuffed, and the new VII fast car should be available next, and there is no other option at the moment
The same high-tech KF41 has entered the WT, and I guess the above several vehicles are not a problem
Have not played it for a while, i will have to check it out, but i doubt it, you probably overreacted. But congrats on that kill.
Could be, I did just finish spading UK ground with its awful Stormer HVM lmao
Oh god. If you compare it to ADATS, MIM is a godly missile, where is my Martlet?
Oooo, love som wheely bois