Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Yes, something like that.

We all want more, how is this even a question?

Su-25 struggles to climb to higher altitudes, and only higher BR have TV guided weapons, and only one has a targeting pod.

MiG-27 is most adequate, and still pales in comparison to A6E TRAM, F-14B, F-16 whatever. Two KAB-500Kr, three FAB-500’s, and 4x R60M’s is hardly anything.

Su-7 is fun, one doesn’t have a bomb computer, both variants are at 9.3, neither have any missiles or flares.

Su-17 either has no flares, or doesn’t have any standoff weaponry, and both only have R-60’s, not even M’s.

Helicopters are a good balance to this, but if you don’t have air superiority, you get shot down at some point, and the long range ATGM’s don’t even become a thing until 11.0/11.7.

Su-25BM coming down to 10.3 (I think that’s the plan) is a nice first step. I’d personally like to see the Su-17 come down in BR as well, and perhaps the addition of another plane. Maybe the Il-102 at that 9.3-10.3br range. More targeting pods, and a KAB-500L would be helpful too.

If we go above 11.0 again, anytime soon, for USSR CAS, I think the MiG-23/27 98 is the better addition. Should have a lot more in the way of armament and should be able to take a pod, I believe pylons are also upgraded as well.

Su-24 would be nice, but I think the reason why Su-24 and F-111 have not come to game yet is because they’d be tremendously hard to intercept with SPAA as it is now. Without a minor correction to make the missiles a little easier to use, it’s probably overkill to add them.

Just my 2 cents.


I think it would be better to upgrade what they’ve got, like adding a thermal tpod to the Su39 and Mig29SMT rather than adding anything new. At the end of the day, they have a limited amount of capacity to dev new stuff. if they devleop Su24 (for example) then it means something else didnt get developed and when some nations have giant holes, that does leave a bad taste in the back of the mouth (Not just Britain in this, many nations have gaps that have existed for a while, but have yet to be remedied)

Wasn’t the Su-25BM just getting reduced to 11.0? I don’t think it would be a good fit for 10.3 with it’s expanded armament vs the Su-25/K

Yeah, I heard 11. No way R-73s go down to 10.3. If that was the case then Tornados need to go down too

Screenshot 2023-10-14 210745

R-73 at 10.0 huh. Interesting

sofar the English one…

Its still there


Where the Su-25/Su-39 is concerned, some ask for a lot. When Su-39 was added, a few were demanding R73, R-27ER and R-77 to be added to it ASAP, with no BR change

Some are simply not thinking about others

Yeah, thats the one I found myself as well, it said “confirmed to be coming Soon TM” for a couple of days and then got edited by that tech mod to say “planned to be coming Soon TM”

i dint have the lucsuary of sutch evidence tho nice to see that there is

I personally believe the BM shouldnt go down sure it doesnt have the Vikhirs but as good as the R73 is now eeh.
10.0s having to deal with thrust vectoring missles doesnt sit well with me

Being Event, they’ll be rare and 11.0 is fine. Im more concerned with stuff like the Su-39 that is Premium and so could be very common

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I have a feeling 73 will be buffed in some time. Just a gut feeling, so take it as a blabber, for now at least

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Oh yeah, 100% think they are WIP, but only getting upgrades in major updates. so im expecting the whole top tier AAM dynamic to change in the coming month

You would be surprised ho easy it was to get 25bm. I got it while spending like 3h per 2 days and im an dictionary definition of average pilot

That will change for sure due to new additions. I also feel like it is still wip.

After all as a certain somone said, it is equivalent to 9x and irist

I dont thing it was something else, because I found another picture which was just 16 hours later and uts the same

The confirmed part came from the Russian Forum Q&A

If I wasnt farming the Naval during the event (which took ages because… naval) then I’d have gotten it just playing SB

I got myself a Patria (i love it but grind was painfull) and im keeping the cupon of 25bm (grinding it was pain less)