Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Ok it just clicked, sorry i dont have any on the Cr 2 had to burn them after the 1st one

Absolutely, the F-16C will be dominant for as long as the game lasts, and the MiG-29SMT will always have a niche.

Unnecessary now, but critical for Gaijins December update

Dunno what to tell you other than that the USSR really isn’t even close to the top of the list of nations that require a new strike aircraft

I don’t think either should get anything Dec. But maybe mid next year.

USA/USSR are at the top of the list for nations that have possible additions but have not received them.

I dont want to hear about “minor nations suffer” because they always will, Gaijin didnt manipulate nations to be poor and lack development that Superpowers have.

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I don’t care who gets what so long as its a step closer to the Typhoon, last meta thing we can have. Its a real shame the UK militsry industry fell off during the 1970s things like the Hawker p.1202 wouldve been utterly incredible in-game and irl. Now theres no domestic competition and no money anyway.

They really aren’t at the top of that list with how CAS capable their multirole fighters are. They already both have a huge arsenal of designated strike aircraft.
This has nothing to do with minor nations not developing/investing into designated attackers, but rather the fact that gaijin decided to stuff the US and USSR trees with strike aircraft that you seem to believe to be lacking despite performing well enough


The 11.0+ bracket is all thats relevant here, so yes, they are generally lacking compared to the options available.

But… they didn’t have to add things late. Tornado F3 might not be competitive Vs F16. But it could have easily come first half of 2022. Would have been competitve Vs late F4s and Mig23s. Adding it after the F16 sealed its fate and is the reason why people are angry about the F3. There is adding stuff slowly to minor nations because they had less and then there is not adding anything at all because… reasons

(Not too mention its BS, don’t forget things like ASRAAM entered service nearly a decade before Aim9X)

And that’s no explanation for why the large number of lower tier additions yet to be added like late Jaguars.

Jaguar Gr3A with 9Ls and HMD would be a really fun aircraft, but they skipped straight to Tornado Gr1 (which could have come with Mig27)

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You already said yourself that the Su-25T/39 is among the best strike aircraft in the game and that thing is 11.3
The US have the F-14B and F-16C alongside the very capable A-6E

for next major update i hope they update the penetration calculator because currently 15mm HVAP has more pen than 20mm HVAP which is weird considering 20mm hvap is 2 times heavier and slightly faster

oh and 20mm DM63 should have 60mm pen at 1000 meters like every single document i could find said

well the Gripen was confirmed by the russian devs and there was proof untill the google docs was greefed, tho if you ask CC’s about it they will proberbly say it was confirmed (Confirmed for this year that is, and that happend around Martch-May)

F.3 would have been mediocre regardless, Gaijin would never add it with 9Ls in the 2022 F-4/MLD meta

Sure its not bad, but I also wouldn’t call one of “the Best”

I would really like to see that confirmation from the russian forums, coz the only mention on the old forums by that one tech moderator is edited to say planned, while the screenshots of it have it saying its confirmed

From the technical standpoint it is. But in practice…

Gimme a minute, i migjt have it mybe laying somewhere around…

And thats the fact^^

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Early 2022, with 4x 9Gs and 4x Skyflash ST, with marked Radar improvement over the FGR2, more CMs, higher top speed. etc.

It would have been the perfect replacement for the FGR2 that had been at the time, top aircraft for 2 and half years

Yeah, it wouldnt have been winning dogfights back then either, but it would be 11.3 vs 11.3

I suppose it does depend on definition, when it was new, high speed and 4 GBUs were a relatively big thing. But its been chronically let down by missing features. The list is long and has yet to get any smaller