Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

german mig 29 already has 27ers, it makes absolutly no sense at top br to add a new vehicle whose only difference is 1 missle type, it is more likely that the Mig29G will be an event or future premium once tank 9 air gets released

eh matwgs was faster

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Oh no, its him again.


He alway is, and he says just what TEC says but 4x faster

Rank 9 is at least 3 years away, so rank 8 premiums aren’t happening.
Mig-29SMT has a worse flight performance whose only real difference is 1 missile type.

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ah yes, all that ground ordanance and the better radar doesnt exist

Can y’all give it a rest now? AMRAAMs most likely aren’t coming any time soon, so the Typhoon won’t be necessary and the Gripen, IF it actually gets released this year, won’t be anything special either

Can SMT still gude SARH while doing 90 on you?

eh in those cases i mostly want the newest news quickly so that works out for me, that being i am german i am accustomized to quick news and not necesarily jokingly manner for that

no clue, i ignored top tier air completly since last patch, i have no desire to fly a mig 29 without r73 in an environment where everybody starts shooting aim 9m and r73

israel have a lot of 9Ls in his inventory, but the principal reason to use the 9Ls over the Python-4 is because is cheaper and effective for a bomber interception scenario for example, they dont want to waste a Python-4 in a bomber haha, they used the Python-4 for heavy combat back in the days and now they use the Python-5 to ensure the kill in a “close” combat scenario.

I have been doing the same lately, because it is no fun for me.

either way i researched every relevant german tech tree vehicle as well, for missions i can easily use other tiers and besides that just continue playing ground to at least farm there a bit, combined with no premium currently there is absolutly no reason to play top tier for me

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This is just an offer, no deal yet.

No AMRAAM (/fox 3) means no new aircraft for Germany, Japan, Britain, Sweden, France, Israel, Italy, China

God I hope israel gets an IFV

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IRL MiG-29G just MiG-29A (9.12). Nothing new, just new camo and new radio for NATO standards. Even the armament still same with what we have on MiG-29 (9.12) in German TT except R-73.

English cockpit tho

It has multirole ability, as tank player it will much better than bring a plane who can only firing A2A missile. It can save more slot so we can add more tank into slot.

Would be a good Premium/Event plane