Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Japanese Depression

or you know… add the mig 31?

true, always forget about them

Gaijin does aswell

I have plenty of leeks in my garden.

an interceptor with the Agility of a Tornado and long range ARH missiles?

are they ready yet? I could use some for my Rumor soup

Some are big, some are small, but at the end of the day, it’s night.

and Italian depression


  • Israeli Depression I cant wait for that other Magach to be added, as that’s what Israeli totally needs this patch and not an IFV LIKE OTHER NATIONS GAIJIN
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you forgot about another Merkava armor nerf


Seriously France, Britain, China Israel all need IFVs and I doubt gaijin cares enough to even try. All four aren’t Russian so the bare minium of dev time is spent developing for these nations… well China maybe up there a bit more than the other 3…

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It’s literally a saver of a mechanic for grind. Something people who play only premiums will never understand.

more so britian, our best top tier aircraft is subsonic, and the others are phantoms and tornados both extremely unforgiving trying to spade, in 50 or so battles in the F.3 i still havent got a single modification

A Tornado but slightly faster and with slightly better phoenixes? yes what we need, ANOTHER SHIT BRICK

Idk I think it would be fun

no, no it wouldnt, tornados are painful enough, them things struggle to notch a radar missile fires 20km away

u know what would help them? their ECM pods and the Maws countermeasure pods

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that’s why tornados have to follow the way of the mountaineers

the stone is your friend, hug it as tight as you can

if we at least had our automatic flight to stay 35m above the ground that would be nice