Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Forgot korea there buddy

Besides that i doubt turkey will come as a nation, they specificaöy released turkish skins this year affing them as a nation wouldnt make sense

Totally agree with you on that one.

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too sad

Im really hoping for some form of Japan or Sweden love this update, a lil XF2 or Nagato maybe? Im not expecting gripen till last patch but maybe? (Hopium)

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Inhales Hopium. IFV’s arnt light tanks therefore IFV’s are coming this patch /s

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so a fucking pantsir managed to break my PARS 3LR block by hidding 10% of his hull behind a signal tower 5 times in a row

already said, we dont know about it

to T-80 line on RU tree? Prem/Squadron? Rank 8 ground update? who knows

Hopium ARM is coming


Gripen will come either this one or next not concerned about them. Japan however, always more luv pls.

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My Honest Reaction:

am expecting the Python-4 for the Barak II which is already modeled and fully coded, lets wait and see what is coming.


TV pods can probably see better, but ordinance can only get a lock from about 17km away or less.

I am thinking that’s why they held the Barak 1 as well so we can get the premier Isreali F16 with the native weapon systems.

You think it might be too soon for it or depends on some factors? Or ready now for the game?

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I will be very shocked and kinda mad if sweden is left out of aviation next patch and the Brits.

I would love to see some more missile destroyers too… Only way they will get me in naval personally.


I absolutely adore naval but can see why its not for everyone, and honestly ive given up hope for anything for either Japan or Sweden for air that actually helps

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Speaking about naval, I think more nations can get premium battleships, as only USA and SU got theirs in the previous update.

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Would love a Kawasaki P1 outta nowhere though thatd be awesome


thats a good question mate, my personal opinion is that we are more than ready for the F-16C Barak I Block 40, with all the native weapons that it suposed to carry, we already have and F-16C Block 50, we have the SMT with a really damn good air to air arsenal, the gripen C is around the corner, Fox-3s are around the corner soo, i think its time for israel to recive his domestic stuff and once and for all become a unique master piece of tech tree with his own special touch, this is what attracts players to play different nations, for example the Barak II (F-16D) is missing a lot of israeli domestic bombs (Guided and convencional), Spice 1000-2000, Spice 200 and 250, Popeye II, and more, for air to air combat is missing his main Air to Air IR missile AKA Python-4, right now the missile loadout is just a frankstein loadout, 9Ps?? 9Ms?? Aim-7Ms?? israel never bought 9Ms to USA or used Sparrows in his F-16C/Ds and never bought 9Ms for the reason that by that time israel was already developing the Python-4 to compete with the russian R-73, israel until today is still using the 9L for air patrols they use mixed loadouts in the F-16s too we can see examples of mixed loadout with 9Ls and Python-4s, Python-4s with the Spice guided Bombs, and a loadout of 4 Python-4s in a F-16C Barak I Block 30



Germany too