Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

I’d agree, though CSP would suck if thats all we got after the year we’ve had. FA2 at least has a slim chance in a turn fight.

Hawk and Jag wouldnt be top tier (though both welcome at their BR)

The Finnish premium at 4.3 was one of them and the J 29

I disagree. Honestly Britian needs more speedy dart slingers that’re domestic, not South African. It’s a unique aesthetic, good rounds, 105km/h speed, and will make for a welcome addition to a lacking light tank lineup


So at most we wait till next year to get even a chance for a decent ifv … great…

And im still sad i havent won the lottery, but thats just as relevant.

Its a non-premium Rooikat 105 that needs to go on a diet. What will make or break it is its Optics, shells and other key stats. Could be meh, could be fun. But Britain cant complain about getting a light tank after not getting any in like 2 years

Does the same role as the rooikat tho


Honestly i’m a bit mixed on FA.2
While I could see it being really useful in Sim, in ARB and GRB? I think it’d be eaten alive. It’s a 9.3 airframe with some niceties added on. It’s not got much in the way of handling improvements at all, so you’d be turning the same as the harrier GR.1 against MiG-29s

Yeah, never know. We’ll have to wait and see


Have you seen how massive the damn thing is, with hlw gaijin will treat it itll go to 9.7 due to the mobility over the vfm5 by that point itll be terrible…

Rooikat is South African, and has a HUGE profile. Vickers Mk.11 should be smaller I think. It’s honestly just a nice addition to British vehicles, not just South Africans as our light tanks.

Yeah, Im SB so I am biased a bit…

My thinking is that the better engine means better heat management and better TWR, meaning you can pull a cheeky viff to help in a turn, or if nothing else. keep someone off your tail.

The Blue Vixen is a really powerful radar, would be without equal in WT, so should allow for some pretty impressive off-boresight shots with Aim-9M. Might help bridge the gap that the Harrier 1s are lacking

But still probably going to be a stand-off missile truck, but a missile truck that actually has the radar and missile for the type of combat we see in WT

Wut u talking about the rooikats defo smaller

I think the VMK11 is gunna be bigger. At least thats the impression I got

Honestly it’s hard to see from the promotional material but either way - It’s an addition to domestic british vehicles which lacks light tanks. I’m all for it even if it’s just for style points (which lets be honest, is kind of all UK brings to the table)

It be fine to add but after the more needed ifvs are added man…



I think those are the right vehicles

Mk11 is way bigger