Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Oh no doubt the other grund addition is like a churchill or a 2.3 but its nice to dream no?
I also have no doubt my other main nations will be a disappointment ergo magach for israel and legit nothing but a patrol boat for japan…

Only German ASSTA 1 will have 9L/I and 9L/I-1 or possibly IRIS-T
The British don’t have them

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Im guessing a BR5.3 SPAA system for Britain.

But yeah, it would. Though I think i’d actually want something like the Scorpion or Abbot actually, wouldnt be top tier, but would be really interesting Br9 ish things.

Imao we need roof tiles decorators, so I can pretend to be a house.

Britain also used the 9L/I.

Fairly certain British IDS Tornados had them, though if nothing else. They need their DeChirped rails. double the range. (though nothing stopping them, F3s were definetly equipped with them)

Though yes they wouldnt get IRIS-T they’d get ASRAAM.

It says it’s from two years ago, sorry! I thought it was a newer list.

And Italy as well.


ASA-M manual as an example

Most of europe I think went with 9L/I over 9M. Sweden too if I recall from somewhere

Might need to add a translation. this is the English forum few are gunna be able to understand the text. I cant

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M8 half of the world don’t understand Russian.

Though I rather want to learn Cornish more than Russian

Just throw a pasty at someone and then slap them with a sheet of tin. You’ve learnt to speak Cornish :P

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That’s no way to treat our 4th official language lol

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Memes about Estonian intelligence

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You have

English, Welsh, Gaelic, Irish and Brummy. So 6th I think

Not too mention whatever those up north speak.

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Though what I gather it’s best to learn Welsh before Cornish as they are very similar apparently

I’d love to see some of the big suggestions implimented for Britian this update:
Tracked Rapier - Gives Britian a solid Stormer replacement, and a real SPAA for top tier, instead of ADATS which is a TD, not SPAA.

Warrior variants - Faster firing cannons, better missiles, etc

Stormer CVR(T) vehicles - Spartan MCT, Stormer 90, Stormer 30, Scimitar etc

Ferret car variants - Mk.5 Swingfire Ferret, Ferret 30

Maybe some Land Rovers with WOMBAT Recoiless rifles?

Alvis Saladin, Scorpion, Abbot SPG, stuff like that would be awesome to see too! Maybe a few SPAAs mounting Javelin, Blowpipe or Stinger like the Stormer AD?

Oh how a guy can dream…



Thats Gaelic.

Gaelic and Scots are two different languages.