Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

So probably TIALD artificial nerfs then.

Same place, I think it 's useful to keep in mind how Gaijin shares assets between the games under their umbrella.


You just don’t lock the target, you use Tpod to hover it

  • Use laser stabilization
  • Hover the target at 20km or under
  • Press keybind for TV lock of the PGM
  • Optional, swap to PGM sight to see if you locked the target or the ground

So you dont actually target the vehicle, you target the ground and hope you are aimed right?

Lmao they have a modernized Yamato as a premium 🤣

ah no he meaned to make sure u didnt lock the ground or did he? i am not sure

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But yea even though I’ve got it wrong and over hyped myself I think we are still going to get the Typhoon as Sweden will be getting the Gripen

I think…

TV sight can lock onto a target at 20km, but TPod can’t. So you stabilise onto the ground ontop of a vehicle. Arm the weapon and then the TV sight should lock onto that spot and any vehicle that happens to be close enough to that spot…

But I could be wrong and I think i did try that (at least with AGM-65s) and most just hit but no kills. PGM-2000s might not need quite the same accuracy though, so you can get away with hitting near the target

At this point, this is the conclusion ive come to:

Typhoon would be compettitive, truly so, and would put Britian, Germany and Italy ontop and other nations would have to catch up to us for a change. That is not allowed. We have to be the ones catching up and struggling to fight them. (britain in perticular)

Gripen can be quite heavily handicapped and does have a few key weaknesses, like having fewer hardpoints (though both F-15 and I think Su-30 have the same number of A2A hardpoints that the Typhoon has, so…)

Not too mention Sweden is the flavour of the month at the moment, so a really competitive jet for them is ideal.

For Britain and Germany this means Gen 3 with Advanced AAMs, could be fine if they are the only ones with ARH for a while, but if not, DOA. But so long as they have a BR of 12.3 that doenst matter.

Equally, Britain could just get a “top tier” a2g jet, like the Tornado Gr4 or Harrier Gr9A because, thats still "top tier "(looks at the Gr7 and Gr1 when they were added)

But yeah. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that the Typhoon DA2 would be no higher than 13. 13.3 if they wanted to be overly cautious. US and Soviets I reckon are going to be high 12.7 or low 13 this year. 13 100% by Q2 next year. At which point , Typhoon DA2. but that would still put us equal and therefore not allowed.


Forgives as I’ve speed run your comment but that the thing I don’t get at all.

Why would they limit the Gripen but yet not the Typhoon.

Sweden isn’t the only one who will be getting it as Italy via Hungary will be

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Indian air tests

The Indians who have tested all the aircraft mentioned think otherwise. Rafale is a perfectly adequate 4.5gen aircraft but it is a sign of how far behind Europe is in aerospace compared to USA/PRC

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Look at our ground tree, look at our air tree. Heck, even look at our naval tree.

I dont know what we did to the devs. But they actively hate Britain at the moment. Heck, even look at todays dev post. Yes, its British, yes its a light tank, but its the worse possible light tank/IFV they could have added to the TT. It almost feels like they went out of their way to find something that would be bad/really hard to use well.

So If Typhoon was Germany and Italy only, would have come this year. Because of Britain. it can’t. Even they cant get away with the backlash that would cause.


Which Typhoon was tested, do you know?

@Morvran btw why has winter came early this year lmao
It’s going to be as low as 3 highest 12

Honestly I never use them, but in test flight you can lock the ground at 20km
I just use the Tpod to be able to see, lock and fire. I am not sure if it would swap from a ground lock to a target lock at a certain distance

TV armaments cost too much SP. I always just take Nords + LGBs

Ah, all TPod can stabilise onto the ground at 20kms, thats fine, so using them vs like a base or something is perfectly doable, but if its a moving target you want to hit, you need to be within 13-14kms

(I only really play SB these days, so handy vs battlefields or convoys and that extra 7 or so km would be great)

It is wet and windy tonight

Not where I am but It will be cold as hell though but I’m not complaining lol

Imagine after all this we end up getting a 10.0 ifv ;D

That would be fantastic. I might even dust off GRB actually. But It would be highly atypical for them to add multiple things to britian in one update. could happen, but unlikely.