Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

if they could fix PARS they would be cancer since for what i know this are the features of PARS 3 LR

  • if they lose lock of a target they wil lland on the last place the target was seen at.
  • they can regain lock of the target if it enters its field of vision
  • the missiles will attempt to avoid obstacles when firing to a target
  • they can be changed to top attack or direct fire

If you know more about it it could be cool to list them aswell.

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being able to lock at the turret and to target the top of it would also be nice

Sounds a lot like Brimstone to be honest.

except that if it loses lock on of a terget it can regain lock instead of saying “No enemies?” before blowing midair

I think we could do with an overhaul for how TPods lock.

Currnetly they just lock centre mass and then you can adjust it, but never had much success with that. I think every vehicle needs to 2-3 targettable points. So you then just snap tpod onto which ever target point you want and it would hit that point.

Would also help with naval that also does the same thing when firing things like PGMs at ships

also the damage of the PARS its extremely low since the PARS has an insane ammount of damage compared to the game

i mean look at that chonka

but f&f locking needs an overhaul, that you dont need 90% of the vehicle to be visible as well, should be able to fire at things if the turret alone shows as well

Oh, this thread.

Maybe try re-reading my post history ? Looks like you missed the " conversation starter " context …

It is already in the post you are replying to ♥️ but here it is again: ( new_vehicles_added_and_readded_with_the_ultra )


Not too mention things like PGMs and AGM-65s should have a range of about 20kms (against stationary target and dropped from a little height) but tpods dont let you lock on till 13kms.

hmm what ?

using the targeting pod on the Mirage2000-5F you can lock the PGMs at 20km

yeah i highly agree with this

that doesnt help as much as u might think it does

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Bruh why ?

oh that is that new game gajin partnered up with to test modern ship battles etc


Hmm… To be honest I’ve not taken the PGMs on the Gr1 in a while, but now TPod keybinds have been added. I might try it again, but using the Gr7, it wont let you lock onto a vehicle if further than about 13kms


What Tpod does the mirage have?

@Motherhen357 So where did you get the Typhoons one ?

Damcoles, but dont ask me how they perform