Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Ah yeah… is kinda funny

“What’s the chickens name?”


“and it lays fire flavoured eggs”

well the barrel itself increases penetration alone as well because of the higher pressure

german barrels are built different

Aren’t those dumbfire at that point?

imagine them like spikes

@Smin1080p any possible comments on the potential for a new Chinese jet before the end of this year?


well there is a most nations switched to german barrels lol

Nope. They can be pre-programmed with a list of targets, Fired and it will go find it. Or something akin to that.


Doesn’t NLOS still need to be told what to target?

the duplet is quite good, the test on apdsfs shows like a +80% reduction of penetration, and the best thing about it is that lots of the test are easly available

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actually made me remember when the UDES got spike missiles for an hour and matches were more like


sadly that’s for old APFSDS like 3BM22 since that’s what they had lol

thats at least sth i could get behind, since china deserves an indiginous top tier jet as well, and not hand me downs from other nations

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Wiki. but good enough


"Brimstone is a “fire-and-forget” missile, which is loaded with targeting data by the weapon systems officer (WSO) prior to launch. It is programmable to adapt to particular mission requirements. This capability includes the ability to find targets within a certain area (such as those near friendly forces), and to self-destruct if it is unable to find a target within the designated area.

In addition to the semi-autonomous ability to decide its own targets, the Brimstone has the capacity to determine where on a target to best impact causing the most damage. The missile’s advanced sensor package includes its extremely high frequency millimetric wave radar, which allows the weapon to image the target and hence choose a target location. With as many as twenty-four missiles in the air, the missile’s targeting system also required an algorithm to ensure that missiles hit their targets in a staggered order, rather than all simultaneously.

Brimstone can be fired in a number of attack profiles; direct or indirect against single targets, a column of targets or against an array of targets. The latter utilises a salvo attack capability for multiple kills per engagement. Once launched, the platform is free to manoeuvre away from the target area or engage other targets.[22]"

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Britain, Sweden and something A2G/Multirole but not too big of a step up to the F16 for China is pretty much all the aircraft we need to see this year I reckon. Just maybe some AAM upgrades here or there

Japan maybe something, but not really sure what that isnt a big jump up

When new dedicated ATGM Carrier for japan.
we only got Type 60 ATM and Typ 89 IFV with ATGMs right now.
And yes we also need a bedder SPAA but this should be easy to model and it wouldnt be op, just a extremly anoying gremling for its enemys XD


forgor how was this called but ik it had so much explosive mass in it that the anti tank warhead its a bit unnecesary but still used

tbh as how badly implemented are FAF missiles they need to rework them first before adding them and before adding brimstone they have to finish reworking PARS 3 LR since finishing this missile would mean brimstone its ready to work correctly

actually they even tested with 3bm42 and iirc ofl 120 f1

Here they also shows the result of a 3bm42 at 2:19, and keep in mind 3bm42 is actually a segmented round, which should do better against heavy era.

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