Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

u dont know gajin very well do you lol

KhTZ did a lot of truck and tank manufacturing and design, motor-sich is responsible for a lot of helicopter engines, and most MiG’s had a few production factories in Ukraine. A LOT of MiG-23’s for example, were assembled there. Antonov transport planes too. I’ve heard some say the Stugna is a successor to most Russian ATGM’s in design theory, as allegedly (I’m sure it’s right) they had a hand in a lot of the ATGM development.

But they weren’t the only Republic in the USSR to be developing weapons. Russia did most of it overall.


you are right since most of weapon production factories were in ukraine, in fact the main factory for producing T80’s its in ukraine and funny enough they are the only ones with the blueprints for the T80 appart from russia but since the main factory its in ukraine they have better tools for producing T80’s

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Doesn’t change the fact it’s super ugly, imo.

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I know they seem to love money judging by certain balancing decisions regarding premium vehicles
Would a ukraine tech tree make them loads of money?

if they give it abrams, challenger, leopards etc in 1 tree ? definitly yes

i always liked the looks of the T84(thicc)

Brimstones on Trucks and on Mig-29s too


I don’t think gaijin is that far down yet

Well not entirely true, it will feature the latest internal techincal systems both fire and control with other electric systems that will be in either the 2a7 + or 2a8, nobody knows which one, also the main barrel will be replaced to the latest version of the L/55 that will be used by the 2a7 and 2a8, alongside other features and upgrades.

jesus you are way to late on this

L55A1 its the latest barrel and if this is true it means they plan on using DM63

i believe in everything

actualy DM73 requires the L55A1, DM63 still works with L55, but not sure DM73 is allowed for export yet

You could basically say T-64 vs T-72 is a Ukraine vs Russia thing. As the 64 came from KhTZ and the 72 came from a Russian T-64 cost reduction/improvement project initialized by UVZ.

T-80’s would’ve been massed spammed by Omsk VZ after the fall if the diesel technology for the conversion had been shared with Russia. Instead Ukraine hoarded it, and Russia started converting it’s few diesel T-80’s to turbine.

T-80 was also produced in KhTZ, but they could not master production speed and quality the way they did once they figured out the quirks with the T-64, hence why Omsk started producing T-80’s as well, as they needed two factories to try to hit their targets.

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“hey mom look its one of those chicken trucks, can we go see them?” as emily aproaches the truck she for a moment saw a small light suddenly transform into a huge blast as her face got blasted by the backfire of a missile


That’s why God gave us fingerprints, as my dad used to say. Glad you like it, no judgement from me!

Was thinking more…

Spawns in

Rotates 90 degrees

Fires off 2 dozen Brimstone

Ends game

i was more into the dark humor side since it looks like one of those middle eastern homemade weaponry aka toyota with an anti tank weapon mounted on it type of stuff

uh yeah then idk no clue why L55A1 if DM73 is not ready for export