Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

What would the ukraine provide as a sub tree?

You can always remember the Mi-28A)

honestly i have no answer to that, maybe the combined yugoslavia tree that was suggested

a LOT of stuff you have no idea how many stuff they have T84’s BMP’s Helis and even BTR’s all unique since they are modified by ukraine and made entirely by ukraine

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complete other matter

the funniest thing propably is the german leopard 2a4 with era lol, besides that i dont know the other stuff

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from this handsome guy


Part of a Polish Tree would be my guess

Well, politics aside, USSR would be the best fit

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tbh i feel like ukraine would fit as a whole new tech tree they actually have very unique tanks and a lot of them including some SPAA and even some low tier tanks

kill me but i wont stop hopping for the poland sub tree addition to germany, gotta gather all Panther tanks in 1 tech tree!!!


sadly in this case you cant seperate it as much as u would want

Hate the sideskirts. They flare out way too much on the sides, and then taper off in the back annoyingly too lmao. Otherwise it seems fine.

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logically it would look like it is but ussr its so filled with tanks that rn i dont see it fitting to add a sub tech tree

From what I understand, Ukraine was the USSRs main weapon producer. So most of the USSR vehicles we’ve got are essnetially Ukrainian versions. Or something akin to that

ukraine is too touchy

BTR-4 would go well with Zhalo and other wheeled tanks to round out the wheeled tree, T-64BV and T-84 would be great to add some more depth between T-64B and T-80U/BVM. Not sure the helicopters are anything that different from the USSR/Russia ones.

Currently an entirely new tech tree wouldnt make much sense, no matter how many vehicles you could list for that tree. We have too many neglected trees already

@dellstroy besides that with ukraine we gotta draw a line for a tree they would only allowed to get vehicles pre current situation and post after situation else we end up with a tree with arbams, challenger , leopards, cvs, etc this includes unique stuff like the era leopards.

It ends horrible if a tree literaly would get everything

These are two layers era Duplet