Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

as much as you wish for it, but it is impossible to seperate politics in this matter

wdym 12x7.62mm?

go watch some memes your mental sanity today its at its lowest peak rn adding the typhoon rn its too crazy

From a tank only view, it’s probably going to have to come as the T-84 for a Thai subtree, probably under Japan as I understand that’s an appropriate nationality to link them with apparently.

There generally will not be any Ukrainian vehicles in the game in any tangible way beyond what they exported.

Like, we’re more likely to see an Iraqi BTR-4 under some other tree than see a Ukrainian subtree anywhere.

it is a joke, we mean the ww2 typhoons from britain, the he have food at home meme with the typhoon

no problem lol

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there is not gonna be any thai subtree for now so dont get your hopes up yet

the brits used 7.7 tho

Probs all were getting this patch so get use to it…

FGR2 wasn’t completed in 2019 tho.
PDV was added recently, and until South Africa, Britain didn’t even have a 12.3 option for a supersonic fighter cause IRL they missed out.

But look at the past 4 years. Tornado could have come end of 2021 or early 2022, we didn’t get till half way through 2023. Gr1 still barely half finished.

Our entire tree is being carried by the gr7 currently and even that they handicap.

The last year has been barely playable past about BR10 for anyone want to play Britain. The next year is not looking any better. Sea Harrier FA2 is literally it till typhoon for A2A. Which will be fine if it’s get decent AMRAAM, but it’s probably going to have the same as all other nations.

Its getting to the point where Britain mains just need to quit the game…ground unplayable top tier. Air unplayable top tier. Meanwhile other nations will be fielding 13s this year

Mine aren’t, but there will be a Thai subtree before there’s a Ukrainian subtree, that’s for sure.

Pdv was added at least 2+ years ago because it had it when I started playing it

Also it’s called ASRAAM. But gaijin would never give Britain it’s correct weapons for the era

My mistake there

Cos britain doesnt make enough money

AAGH GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD GET OUT OF MY HEAD yall making me crazy with typhoons

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more likely for there to be a new korean nation or poland before ukrain sub tree appears

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Sorry m8, ima a devil, cant do ;)

south korea seems more reallistic as a sub tech tree for japan, since it has more possible vehicles and you know gaijin dosent care about political problems (china and taiwan)

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