Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

yeah give it to israel as well, japan and israel receiving it is perfect, usa can wait a bit, get the US players to try another nation for once


When was the last time we got an actually competitive top tier aircraft?

My reckoning FGR2 in 2019.

Only other competitve jet we’ve gotten since then was the Harrier Gr7 but still a sub sonic ground attack aircraft and not an air superiority fighter that most nations field.

That’s it. All other additions in in the past 4 year have been 2 to 3 stops below top tier. And thus by very definition not really competitive at top tier

type 87 RCV after br changes


Are you even considering the possibility of introducing Ukrainian tanks?


@Morvran btw why are we complaining and asking for a typhoon already when there is one already in the game



answer no they arent, literaly any discussion that gets slightly political gets deleted instantly, it would open a shit ton of giant cans of worms right now

plus smin confirmed that any top tier typhoon is not comming any time soon

At least it didnt receive the R3 treatment

literal glorified R3

btw what is up with britain making the most absolutely ugly looking light tanks? why they have to be armored buses all the time


well it was supposed for the australian if that is an indication

You just made me realise there are 3 in total in UK TT, how could i missed them, just like i missed su 57. Time to scrap some f16 with it

I just want all other nations to stop getting additions. We don’t need every nation to be 12.3 and entering 12.7 when the best Britain can hope for this year is a 11.7 boosted up to 12/12.3 with aim120C. And after that. Its likely all nations will be 13.7 before we get Typhoon that is at best a 13

bus with a gun for australia, still designed by britain so its another bus

Which basically means Britain and Germany are doa for next year. But is hypocritical because other nations are likely getting typhoon equivalents this year or early next year


That thing is a worse Rooikat 105, a little shorter but no thermals

jup, russia and us can get more vehicle added as well when they arent necesarily the new meta anymore on release, but just any intresting addition for players

Also 350hp for 20t makes me uneasy

you do not realize the capabilities of the typhoon, to tell you less the Typhoon its slightly better than the latest version of the gripen not only its more manouverable, it can carry more weaponry and its a bit more versatile plus the systems and radar are much better

the F2 the F16 C and MIG 29 SMT are amazing planes yes and even the early gripen is an astonishingly good plane but an typhoon has some insane capacities that allow it to overthrow other planes with ease, since the plane was built with the technology of a lot of countries including sweden britain and germany wich were the main contribuitors, not ready for game yet