Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

For quite a few nations, I think AAM buffs (especially fox 3) are their main addition over the next few months

I wanted to get through Britain ground to top tier to potentially then have something to play the Apache or harrier Gr7 in other than EC gamemodes. and I also had the logic of, Top tier = no uptiers. But it nearly killed me and I really dont find top tier at all fun. I just dont think I can bring myself to level any other nations in ground, especially with level 1 crew in all slots. and fundamentally, Im here for air. I just dont have the right mindset for ground

The most I think I can bring myself to do, is level Sweden or France air. But I really hate ARB and I dont really enjoy/suck at low tier ASB. (but would be a good way to learn I suppose) But the thought of grinding through another nation actually gives me a migraine

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In the Italian discord server:


Some screenshots of the conversation:

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At least we’ll get regular JDAMs though I’m not sure how they’ll work. The old dev server version let you use CCRP targeting in 3rd person (basically fixed point on the ground and can’t be changed once released). I don’t know if the FLIR pod can help pick the spot to target, assuming the F-2 early can use the FLIR pod.

He said not planned, not that it wouldn’t happen, and that was seven and a half months ago as well.

And here:


Yes, of course, plans can be changed.

He also in the screenshots you have provided has not said that a version used for training would not come, just that the A block 5 and 10 would almost certainly not come.

So my interpretation of that is that they planned and then added AV-8B for ground attack. With AMRAAM, would be okay at higher tier…

But does raise question about what else they could get, Something Hungarian is likely. If Gripen comes to Sweden in the next 6 months, Id guess that

The way i see it is using the flir pod you can keep someone tracked while you “update” your GPS position eventually hitting the guy. The flir itself can’t help guide the JDAM but it can at altitude help with tracking and making sure the bomb hits if you understand what i mean.

Could JDAMs have GPS coords updated after being dropped?

I’ll be honest im not sure. It was just how i imagined to use them in WT.

I thought once released that was it, so it would be useful against static targets or predictable moving ones (by leading).

I’d guess fire and forget basically. pick a spot, it hits that spot if dropped close. Does mean you could throw a bomb at a SPAA and then take any and all evasive measures.

But I would really want CCRP to be fully functional. Open the door for proper lofting and maybe multi-GPS coords? for multiple bombs?

Needs an auto cannon for top tier and SPAA then its good to go.

That is a nice advantage of gps jdams. Tho if we can’t update coordinates mid flight then you gotta pray they don’t move probably better against sams sitting at spawn.

I think Gripen won’t come for few nations in the same update, because Sweden air needs some hype as well. Imo Sweden will get Gripen first and Hungarian one will come at least 1 or 2 patches later.

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Yeah, it would be a limitation.

That would be what I assume and most nations are fine for a few updates (with other additions) But it was the statement about no chance for typhoon anytime soon that has been confused. Gripen really isnt all that far off Typhoon. So if no typhoon for a while. I’d expect no Gripen for a while either.

That’s kinda strange considering there was a post by tech moderator saying that Gripen’s planned to come this year.

@Morvran BTW I think you are reading too much into what Smin said.

If you read between the lines on what he posted he said

  1. Typhoon is far away
  2. Not all nations developed aircraft at the same rates and some used certain airframes longer than others

Imo this is basically saying UK going to be getting skipped. Doesn’t indicate that all the other nations wont be getting things. Just because he denied Typhoon is in no way a denial of F-15 for example.

Personally I don’t think we get F-15 this year, but who knows. I think Gaijin just going to add what makes them money as their #1 priority and what is copy paste-able

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