Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

I am going to go out on a limb and suggest that the nations I think will be sitting idle in air are Japan, China, and possibly Germany. Which is sad to me but we have seen it before.

they do use them as far back as early F-2s they cant use them because in WT we would need buddy lazing. it’s not until late F-2s that they receive sniper pod.

China has a few interesting adds. J-10 and J-11 (chinese copy paste of Su-27) wouldnt be unreasonable for fairly soon, throw in another F-16 variant for CAS and they’d be fine for a while.

I think its going to be Italy, japan, Germany and Britain with very little over the next year or so. No more than 1 new addition. If Gripen, then that could come to a few, but Its now gone from 100% to 50/50 in my mind now. But Sweden would need something almost as much as Britain does. So F-18 wouldnt be insane on that front (could also come to Britain, but thats even shakier than Gripen to Britain)

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Do you have a source? I am not fighting you here I am just curious, Boeing states the countries they sell them to and Japan is not on there

You don’t see Italy getting the Gripen? I think they would definitely add it through Hungary but I don’t know if they would wait for the entire sub air tree to do it.

GBU-54 early F-2



And here is sniper pod late F-2



Only if Hungarian air was added and only if needed. They did just get AV-8B+ so thats probably it for the year (plus AMRAAM). You could throw in another F-16 variant to tie them over early next year. But its a tricky choice on that front. Again, its entirely mute if Gripen doesnt come.

But realisitcally, no, I dont see very much coming to Italy now till Typhoon. Almost the same boat as Germany, but unlike Germany, they could really do with the rest of their TT flushing out. so I could see a lot of lower tier additions coming (though I dont relaly know what)

In terms of the sniper pod, Lockheed-Martin lists the F-2.

EDIT: @Fireraid233 got it

You not only left out quite a bit, but also, we already have a Mirage 2000D, which is an attacker version.

I forgot to look in that line. Woops. So, thats nothing then for france? and what else did I miss?

I appreciate it, maybe they receive them through US weapons trade rather than direct from Boeing. Regardless, I’ll admit I was wrong! Thank you for the knowledge

Also I knew they had Sniper pods, just not the JDAM-Ls

There is the Mirage 2000-5F Mk 2.

no problem your are right that in WT early F-2s won’t have them tho as there would be no way to guide them sadly.

Not a bad choice actually, as Italy only has an inteceptor variant without any CAS options. Despite I don’t play top tier jets a lot, I would love to see Romanian F-16, it looks sexy:


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I agree there, Italy took the least amount of time to grind through other than Israel. Some fleshing out and making it a beefier tree could bring some more players to it.

Italy used both the A and B and also mounted more advanced missiles like the AMRAAM on them, so I suspect an F-16B with that and AIM-9M’s will be Italy’s next big fighter, not counting the effectively confirmed Hungarian air sub tree.

Does look easy to level through, did play it a bit, but then got bored of WT and took like a year break.

Could certainly do with some TLC as well. No bombers looks actually kinda sad, but Im guessing that would be reliant on Hungary to fill

Iirc @Smin1080p said no to Italian trainer variant as well as early blocks which were used for repair parts. Though yeah, ADF can get better missiles.

I will say that the Italian ground is a blast if you like light vehicles and glass cannons. I just accept death when something looks my way haha

When did he say that?