Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

So taking everything discussed this evening and condensing it in one post to try and get my head around it/get some explanations.

Typhoon has been stated as

“We are not close to the Eurofighter at all at the moment.” - Smin

Which I take to mean greater than 6-9 months at minimum. So I now dont expect Typhoon till end of next year at the earliest.

Based upon discussions on this matter this throws into question other aircraft additions and leaves questions about what could possibly be next to most nations and when

Typhoon’s closest comparisons (based upon information I was able to ascertain reasonably quickly/personal opinion/pre-existing knowledge) would be Gripen, Rafale, F-15 and Su-30. Some could come in an early state sometime mid next year, but not anytime this year or early next year.

So what could be added without those options?


Sea Harrier FA2

Tornado Gr4 (With Brimstone only)
Harrier Gr9A (With Brimstone only)


F-18 A/B
F-16 Variants
F-14 Variants








F-16 Variant


Hungarian or Romanian aircraft?


Mirage 2000-5F Mk 2
Mirage 2000D modern variants?




F-16 Variant

That’s it. Multiple nations would be left with no additions for the next year or so. A few might get AAM upgrades and additions that might keep them in the fight. Like Frances Mirage getting MICA or China getting PL-12. But those would be limited. Most nations have 1 reasonable addition left. After that its nothing till Typhoon era.

So… What exactly does this mean? Are some nations going to be status quo for a year+? Are some nations going to get massive assymetrical advantages/additions?

But if we do see any of the next step up aircraft. Like the F-15 or Gripen any time soon. Then nothing makes sense and it feels like gate keeping for the sake of gate keeping. Not meaningful choices.

Sorry if this is a little rambly and repetitive to what has been said, but that statement has left me very much confused. I was thinking timeline Typhoon early next year, like March, but if that is now looking vague/not likely, then several nations are not going to be playable for very long


There’s less copy-paste than you think.
A lot of countries have native weapons.
AAM-3, AAM-4, and AAM-5 for Japan.
Python 4 & 5 for Israel, Taiwan, & Thailand [if Thai becomes a sub tree].
Et cetera.

What will be copy paste I suspect is tank ammunition.
I expect if we start getting advanced ammunition like SHARD that it’ll be given to all RH120-like tanks for the intended BR.

The only thing here being that the Gripen is confirmed for this year, so that fills Sweden and Italy in your list.

Yes, and that is in part why I am so confused. Based upon what I can find/determine. Gripen is just the Typhoons baby brother. There are some areas that the Typhoon is much stronger in. But thats mainly hardpoints and TWR (and thats really loadout/fuel dependent)

this seems to be a really good comparison of the airframes

So if Typhoon is an absolute no, then i’d have to apply that to the Gripen too. Because Gripen is 75% of the way there.

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I mean technically we never got a no to a Typhoon, we only got a yes to the Gripen. So it’s European counterparts certainly aren’t off the table by any means. I think something needs to shake up top tier air and a jump for Germany, France, Italy, and Sweden would definitely do just that.

Yeah, I never expected typhoon till early next year, and maybe thats all Smin meant and not this year.

But I also think that if it was early next year it would have been more akin to “Wont be this year” not “We are not close to the Eurofighter at all at the moment.”

If gripen was added this year. then Typhoon would be the next logical point after that. no more than 2 or 3 major updates.

Since Italy accomodates Hungary and Romania, it can get something from these countries:
MiG-29s, Lancers and F-16AM. The latter one can be added without any kind of subtree right into the folder with the Italian ADF.

Didnt know about those, thanks. Knwoing Gaijin, Would be F-16 variant

Honestly I don’t see a need for a sub-tree at all unless we won’t get any other SPAA. Completing the Japanese tree they should be fine, at least top tier wise. The current lineup is pretty strong and the lack of decent SPAA is what holds it back. Aircraft wise it’s pretty competitive and eventually will get laser guided JDAMs with sniper pod?

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We may also be putting too much faith in almost 1 to 1 peer aircraft. I mean we have seen aircraft be added without others that rival / match it so it very well may just be a Gripen to both Sweden and Italy and then god knows what they have cooked up for UK but I pray for those mains.

JDAMs weren’t laser guided until 2008 and even then the Japanese Air Defense Force doesn’t use them according to Boeing

Unfortunately/Fortunately,. Maybe Gripen for Britain

Whilst true, they;ve never put any effort into making top tier balanced beyond 2 to 3 nations. It would still very much surprise me if they decided to add such a massive boost for what ARE minor nations. Gripen would very possibly be the best turn fighter in game and have ARH with a radar not far of the Typhoon I think. But that would innevetiably mean F-15 for US counter (plus Israel and japan). Then Su-30 for Russia counter and then… nothing for Germany (or Britain if we didnt get Gripen)

It’s just messy. Its either jump all forward in fairly rapid succession. Or dont jump any forward at all and try to maintain some balance with AAM additions.

Which is me, so thanks

I’ve said this before but as someone who plays multiple nations but I am undoubtably a Sweden main, I do believe that Sweden is fast transitioning out of the minor nation catagory. Ground alone I feel it is a huge competitor to what all of us consider the big three.

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I just want an update that adds more 50s to mid 70s jets…

Like yeah Modern stuff is cool and all but I want more early Missile flinging critters Like Su-15, F-106,more Mirages ect… more attackers and whatnot as well.

Also I am 99% sure next update will be ground focused and anything major for air won’t come till Christmas or after the new years

Yeah, it rapidly is. Though part of me wonders if thats just “flavour of the month” if a new nation is added this year. then would Sweden additions drop off rapidly?

I don’t know. Sweden is looking fairly well rounded with a lot of potential. But still leaves a lot of questions for both Germany and Britain (and maybe a little bit Italy) specifically in air and a shakey future for Japan air too

This is where I think I first heard about it, for the later F-2 variant.

I would very much enjoy taking my Sea-Vixen out a lot more if Red Tops ever get fixed and whilst I dont really enjoy anything below the higher tiers much these days. Maybe a few oddities i’d play. Vulcan would be really interesting or something like the Lightning F1.

I do hope that all nations have a part to play in future updates and can hang at top tiers but it does look bleak in some aspects for certain nations. Sweden is just an interesting one since they kinda go hard with developing their own weapon systems in house. I met SAAB engineers at a defense contractor convention and I was blown away by their prowess in the field.

So what I take from this is that they are capable of utilizing the weapons but Japan has yet to purchase them. GBU-54s would definitely be a pretty cool (yet very modern) addition though.

Sweden or France is the only nations I’d consider leveling (only air though, I barely survived doing 1 nation in ground)

Yeah, I just cannot wrap my head around what the next 6 months is going to look like, without some nations leaping ahead and others sat twiddling their thumbs sub 12