Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Tell that to people who want Mirage 2000-5F to China TT or some Mirages IIIs/F1s to GB TT …

Tell me about it. Last thing I want is Indian soviet stuff or SAAF french/swedish stuff. No offense. If I wanted those things I’d have played those TTs. Not Britain.

If we ever get some actually meaningful RP changes. I might get round to level Sweden or France air. Probably the only other nations I might actually play instead of Britian. But I hate farming and Im now in a place where I have no farming left for Britain, except whatever is new

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You, i like you.

Saddly modern era is more and more full of copy past everywhere (just look at all these F-16s), and not gonna end like that with more stuff coming.

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One thing I’ve found especially unusual regarding carriers in WT is how they added a high-quality model USS Saratoga(CV-3) along w/ the other new WW2 carriers last year, and still have yet to put it in use in any capacity yet.

The new Saratoga was first seen in Enlisted, but Lexington and Illustrious added alongside it were first seen in the files of War Thunder: Edge, which has become WT Mobile.
Carriers are intended to become a playable vehicle class there, which we;ve seen some of the developments towards.
However the numerous carriers which were previously in the files there have mostly not returned yet, only USS Essex(CV-9) and USS Midway(CV-41) have been present since the game renaming.

Back to WT, my personal theory is that high-quality WW2 carriers will make a more significant appearance in matches once the " missing " ones from WTM join the ones already added, since at present the number of low-quality carriers( per nation ) on maps usually outnumber the high-quality models available presently.

In the longer term … WTM is at the end of battleships possible to add, so it seems likely that they’ll be moving into playable carriers very soon. We’re not quite as close as them to the end of BB 's, but that moment is on the horizon for us aswell - very possible the missing/unused AI carriers could become a significant part of the additions which follow !

Yeah… an unavoidable reality. But only with 0 effort approach. No need to add “max bang for buck” aircraft. unless necessary. Plenty of native choices out there, but would just require the right balance measures. I.e Sea harrier Fa2 would be competitve with slightly better Aim-120, instead of Gripen C&P (which is already much of debate in my opinion about whether the game is ready for Gripen now)

I’m craving Swiss Mirage III with the Swedish AIM-4C variant and AIM-9P depending on the Mirage variant all aspect AIM-9P.
Or Mirage 50 or IIIEX. 3NG as event.
Hopium that Gaijin will make it regarding the implementation of both Rafale as well a Eurofighter and not break it.
Mirage 2000 still stalls before Viggen I think. Not to speak of aircraft such as F-16 or MiG-29.

Shame they never updated Carriers with the F-14 addition. Would have been the best time for it. Even in SB where Carriers are highly present. They are a really quick and dirty addition that just sucks at time.

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Generally I would agree with you, however given gajjins track record of leaving china in lagg behind the US and USSR, and that fact that at top tier china has been without good CAS for a while, I’m just happy too take whatever I can get typically, and would gladly take a Taiwanese upgraded F-16 so I can actually have a good CAS plane too back up my ZTZ-99A’s.

It doesn’t help that we don’t know about any confirmations that china will get a new top tier jets this year like the UK does, and realistically, the “new” J-8 even when given it’s Fox-3’s will be insufficient when compaired too the competition. So basically Tornado syndrome

I’m not sure what you mean by this, can you elaborate ?

Yeah, I have somewhat sympathy for China. You are inverse of Britain, we have all the CAS and no A2A, you have A2A and no CAS. yeah we have that “confirmation” though that might jsut be another CAS, anything with Brimstone would automatically have the max BR possible.

So yeah, its a tough spot. But I think where Gaijin forgets about China, or is hamstrung by no PL-12 yet. Gaijin actively dislikes Britain. Just need to look at our ground tree for evidence of that.

But yeah. They need to take a Hiatus from US and Soviet TTs and spend sometime on the others in game. All have some major problem that could be fixed with 1 or 2 additions per TT

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F-14 is maybe one the most famous carrier launched aircraft of all time. A total overhaul of Carriers (as they are really buggy at times) and a wider introduction of them into ARB would have been a very good addition and probably very popular. I can imagine a load of F-14s all taking off from a Carrier.

So would have made sense for a ground up rework of how Carriers are implemented in WT (maybe also adding things like some form of Optical landing system HUD element as well) in the same update that we got F-14A would have been an excellent update

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Is top tier air sim playable after the update or is it just f16c and smt cancer spam

F-16C Vs SMT

So totally identical to what is was before. Though Gr7 can be funny with a well placed Aim-9M now. But it doesnt last long. I tend to either play Gr7/Torando Gr1 when they are EC8 or play the SHar FRS1. Or just not play the game at all. F3 is even more unplayable than it was before

I have neither of those so it’s going to be pain isn’t it. Although I do like using the f-14 just because of the radar

All I can hope for is that the next update helps bring other nations up too the current air meta with flair resistant Fox-2’s being available for more nations, and generally minor nation more new toys that help keep them interesting at top tier. They did a good service too Italy this update with the new Harrier and the Hungarian line, even if Italy still isn’t too dog, it helps them have a chance now, and more chances for the future. I’m really not sure where their gonna go with a nation like Japan without giving it a Korean sub tree or something. China has plenty of potential, and is looking very cool as is, it’s just held back in a few key areas currently, and I’m hoping we get some nice additions for air in particular next update

As for the UK…I gave up a long time ago. Also I promise you thell find a way too make the next jet another Strike Tornado variant

Yeah… last update was a really bad update for top tier EC. They couldnt even be bothered to change EC8 brackets to better incorporate 12.3s. They were just tacked onto EC9 with no other changes. This could have meant F3 and F-14A enjoying Ec8 once in a blue moon

Japan will be fine in the air to air department the F-15Js and F-2s variants should be enough tho some help in cas would be nice. ground is another story tho…

Tornado Gr4 is entirely possible. But with no ASRAAM or Brimstone, it would essentially be a C&P of Gr1.

Harrier Gr9A would be fun, but again, if it had No Brimstone or Sniper, it would be nearly identical to Gr7.

But yeah, fingers crossed they actually care about other nations for a change

a friend its threatening to leak classified documents if the update dosent come soon lol


Dew it (not really)