Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

To say in short. There was this dude and if you said anything he didn’t agree with you were either a US main or russophonic, or both.

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Yeah don’t forget R-73s as well. I just think its dumb that they rather not add anythinf for a nations that desperately need something or even take the extreme and add fake aircraft cough F-16AJ cough, instead of just limiting them or even nerfing them and having something at least.

Unfortunately some nations made far more fighters than others. Some nations held onto aircraft for considerably longer periods than others. Other nations have had this too, such as Italy between the run up to the F-104s and then the F-16s.

Not every nation has close counterpart at every moment. But we are always working to rectify that wherever its possible to do so.

As we have already said, Britain will receive a new top tier aircraft this year.


Yep, but look at both air and ground for Britain, pretty clear we arent a priority

yea I still want R-73 on my 9.12A

that was the one thing the Luftstreitkräfte der NVA did good at and we didn’t get it


I hope this will be the SAAF Gripen and not just another harrier platform.

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your company is doing what it can, unfortunately some countries didn’t have 99% of their GDP to spend on the Military

but but but… the Senkrechtstarters (im sorry for I’ve tasted the potsto juice and cannot remember the English name)

I have said this before and I’ll say it again, we probably won’t see the Gripen this soon

Chances are that Sweden is gonna get a danish or norwegian F-16 and britain a indian Mirage 2000 or the SAAFs Atlas Cheetah

or a JA37D with AMRAAMs

No AMRAAMs yet

But define top tier?

Will it just be “high tier”?

will it be competitive?

Will it even be A2A?

We got Tornado Gr1 an arguably top tier A2G jet, at the time, maybe one of the best in game, in the same update 12.0 air superiority fighters were added. This could just mean Britain is getting Tornado Gr4 with Brimstone as our “top tier” jet. Doesnt necessarily mean we are going to be able to use it in any of the air modes.

And ultimately, whilst yes, Britain did use the same jets for a long time. They made up for it with tech or tactics. Yes, no gen 4 and staright ot a “Gen 4.5” in the Typhoon, but ASRAAM came nearly a decade before other nations got Gen 5 IR. Brimstone as well was years ahead of other nations, even still today is.

So whilst I respect that not all nations could get something equal. That doesnt mean we have to be left out to dry for another year. With all due respect. Tornado F3 and Tornado Gr1 should have come end of 2021/Early 2022 and the fact they both came a year later left them seriously handicapped and Britain without anything viable. Typhoon may outclass all other nations, but no more so than the F-16, Barrak II or Mig-29SMT are already. So Germany, italy and Britain would be top tier nations for a few months, would that be such a crime?

The best that I can imagine for us would HAVE to be some form of AAM advantage. Sea Harrier FA2 being the only jet with AIm-9M would have been perfect. But that ship has sailed. So now I can only hope for Aim-120C whilst all others are using Aim-120B


Ngl an Indian SMT would put Britain at the same level but since Indian isn’t a sub tree.
Nor Britain getting any aircraft from said sub tree because there is already alot there.
I just thinking it will just be yet another attacker platform.

ik ik

If fantasy configurations were to become more common a Sea Harrier FA.2 with Skyflashes and a weaker radar would be a possibility. Other than that the Hawk 200 could in theory compete at top tier, even without AMRAAMs

Would need ASRAAM for anything above 12. A hawk at 10.7 with 9Ls would be good though.

Issue is, it would be slow and not all that nimble. Cool, but is ultimately meant as a trainer.

Actually would be interesting

The Hawk 200 would be nice but then again because it’s nice Britain can’t have it

@Smin1080p any words on a new German Fighter/Bomber maybe some F-4F Phantom (ICE) or is it to advanced?

As always, if we have anything new to announce, we will do it via Dev Blogs, Dev Streams or other offical medias. Please stay tuned to the news :)