Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

bongs btfo

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I guess SAAF Gripen then

Iceland :P

But yeah, that could very possibly be entirely what hte next update is actually. Leave the Dec update for the Big new features like Fox 3. Didnt think about that, would kinda suck a little

Huh right that would honestly be a perfect way to end the year. I can see last F-15Cs for USA, Japan, Israel with AMRAAMS and respective IRs and Typhoons for Britain, Germany and Italy also with AMRAAMS and respective IRs (i think Meteors might be too much right now maybe) a heavy fighters update for everyone.

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And rip

ASRAAM? Going to need something if Britain is expected to Fight Gen 4s with AMRAAM with only Gen 3s. Otherwise we’ll be DOA for another year. As Typhoon was our only hope for a competitive top tier fighter.

Yea that’s a rip even though they carried 9L cough

I am pretty sure we arent actually close to AMRAAMs and Fox-3s at all

And to be completely honest, I don’t think those things in combination with AESA radars would be that great for the gameplay

This is far in advance of anything we currently have. Again, I would recommend adjusting your expectations.

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So with the Typhoons out how about a bit of Poland :) lol

considering we’ve spent the entire last year with nothing but the Tornado F3, a 11.3 interceptor, to fight 12s and now 12.3s and been entirely and completely carried by the Harrier Gr7, a CAS jet. Then my expectations cant get any lower.

Sea Harrier FA2 with AMRAAM is all that is left then. But if all other nations get the same AMRAAM, it will be just as DOA as the Tornado F3 was.

But at the rate of additions for other nations, this does mean that by the time Typhoon will be added, it can come with ASRAAM and Meteor, no need to deal with prototype variants


But the typhoons can carry Aim-9L even I know this so again the big boys can have the money while the losers sit on the streets begging

@Smin1080p So if ASRAAM’s are to powerful then why not limit the Typhoons with just 9L ?

Just curious but why don’t the devs like adding limited or early versions of these more “advance” aircraft? Aircraft such as F-2 Typhoons can see the light of day sooner giving those nations domestic compeative jets while not being game breaking.

Its not just about weaponry. The aircraft as a platform is also a massive consideration. Just because you can put AIM-9Ls on something, doesnt mean it fits currently.


so Blindfire missiles

sounds like a warcrime, im in

Looks at F-16C with Aim-9M vs literally any other nation in game currently with wise to both weaponary and flight performance


I’m sorry but like the US and Russia are at there 2nd gen of F16(X) & Mig 29 (X) toys now.

So how long can Britain survive at top tier if no one going to grind it if they are going to be left in the dust ?


I cannot remember ever getting killed by an F16C and I don’t know why

it’s always some F-16A dogfighting me with the gun

Hey, they really needed the F-16C.
They only have
F-16A, F-16 ADF
F-14A, F-14B

They needed upgrade because they were suffering.