Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

I would love to get a SAAF Buccaneer and the Atlas Cheetah

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The fact that the V Force, an absolutely essential part of RAF history is just not even in game is garbage.


Could also get Gripen C if Gaijins feeling extra lazy lol

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Certainly a reasonable debate as to whether it would be at all usable these days, but would have been truly amazing if it was added just after the Canbarra. But I’d still fly the hell out of them. Especially the Vulcan

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Though would debate what to give it. SAAF never used Aim-120 or Aim-9. Their Gripens only really used IRIS-T or A-Darter

As an SPAA player, i’d love to see Tracked Rapier and Sky Ceptor, too.

Main reason that GRB is my gamemode is that top tier jets for UK are just…dogshit or unfun and I cant be bothered to grind another tree just to enjoy that part of the game


I’d fly the Vulcan just to hear the engines howling


and the carpet bomb would be glorious


I could see them filling the same area as the yak bomber in Russia tbh


I mean something like early Tejas for UK wouldn’t be so bad

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Yeah, I’ve seen the suggestion of moving Buc to the naval line, and then having Vulcan and a few other bombers of the era at and around the 8.7-9.3 BR

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It would feel like a bit of a slap in the face though. Grind through the entirety of the british tech tree, and get an indian jet out of nowhere lol


The Tejas would be great, but I have a feeling getting stats and papers for it is gonna be pretty hard

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Yeah as Legowolf said. As an interesting, BP or Event vehicle, sure, but I dont play Britain because I want Indian Vehicles. I play Britain because im British and I want Briitsh vehicles.

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Still better than something that other nations use. Tejas at least would be unique and exclusive to UK.

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It’d be cool to get something like Mirage III or somethinf from SAAF too

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Eh. I dont care much for exclusivity. I’d just want proper fair gameplay and representation

@Smin1080p hi smin, is there a way skins from wtlive are made into marketplace skins for crates? if so, can you tell us about it or not?

just wondering because i would really love to see the slovak mig 29 9-13 skin(which is historically accurate) thank you

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Prehaps, but considering how few additions Britain gets per year. It would mean they developed an Indian jet over one of the many British ones we could have gotten, Anything from the Vulcan to the Typhoon would keep us happy. It would be the T-90 all over again. Instead of working on IFVs or CRVs. We got a T-90

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Non line of sight.
Basically a missile you can fire without seing the target. Either designated by third party or acquisition during missile’s flight