Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Same with thermal pods man, theres thermal pods for Mig-29 SMT, Mig 27, Su39 and Su 25 T, i dont see them in game man. But i sure do see plenty on other countries.

if you followed the progress they are being modelled already and in the files, besides that mig 29smt is questionable it is shown with french thermal pod but i think people werent sure if it is a mock up.

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No, theres several for SMT existing, not just french ones. Just fact all other got them modeled first could be blamed for bias as people just did for not modeling APU, but I dont want to be conspiract theorist.

still more cases of stuff benefiting russian vehicles, but whatever you u dont care

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Theres more modeled in game Nato tanks that have thermals, while many modifications of soviet tanks , inlcuding foreign ones with thermals that exist are not, is that a bias now? I can say same about Arena M APS and Black Night APS. Sweden gets T-80U ans Mi28A they had only run trials for, never getting them. Russia had trials for Centauro light tanks and few IFVs of italian origin, cant sew it in USSR tree. T90A cant be switched for T-90S in modifications tab with welded turret, after all its been used.

i think that is a Great Idea

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No it’s not as you have to wait more for matches

no longer than now

im a EU player and the matchmaker puts me either in GUS or NA servers even tho I have all enabled

I have a better idea, a special server for German mains only ;)


Oh god yes

…isn’t it working as it should then?

Probably a WT11 focused decal I think

Ooorr … it could be an eSport 's tournament decal, since it features the WT eSport 's icon ?


Yea, my bad, I meant that ye

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and need more BTR, so we can have a modern Story of Three Kingdoms😂

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No… it took less than a year for 2A5 PSO.
And we’re getting a likely 12.0 Leopard 2 with a ton of armor for the rank 8 update.

Ka-52 is already at 11.7, and is balanced there.

Why are you telling a fairy tale?
IRT was added to IFVs of all nations in the major update that added 2S38.
There was no outcry, because your fiction never happened.
T-series tanks have auto-lead functionality in their FC systems, yet that feature isn’t in War Thunder.
ECM pods exist down to 10.3 for the Soviets, yet ECM functionality isn’t in War Thunder.

Chally 1 & 2 have 4 batteries for up to 2 hours of off-engine use IRL which is why they don’t use APUs in their tanks.
APUs not being in War Thunder is not a bug.

It was added to the US (M3A3), Germany (PUMA) and Russia (2S38, BMP-2M and BMD-4).

Since when did this gsme only have 3 nations?

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some other ifvs??