That was before the BR change, where it faces alot of F4C, Su25K and A10s, now it often face 11.3-11.7 planes, and with 12 countermeasures and no RWR, it is not that easy to use
10.7s facing anything above 11.0 is uncommon to say the least.
really hope the AJS moving from 11.3 to 11.0 will help it, that thing was useless against 12.3s
Thx havent played RB in a while. Will try.
Donβt expect to never get uptiers, as they still do happen, however they are definitely the minority now.
Pay them 50 dollars and theyll think
now for anyone that claims German Alpha jet had Guided munitions I went to the manufacturer and asked them
the model of the Proposed AlphaJet LNU is publicly viewable in their museum
it says that it was never realised
Not today. They will come when they are ready and the time is right :)
Thanks for let me know ;)
How much time left until time is right?
guess dev tomorrow and teaser this friday
What if the time is left?
Nope to early
Nah I think at the very earliest next week a teaser, but I personally already doubt that.
I think we could very well see serious things in the week of 23-27 october.
oio this early again
Just confirmed, Swedish army will get Strv-123A
Letβs see in 2027 war thunder rumor round-up with Leopard 2A8 series
The 2A8 very well could come next year.