Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

There was one that had a Thai sub tree for Japan a few days ago.

It isn’t weapon at all

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ill try to find thanks for the info, update found it obviously fake but its gonna be useful for my deeds
it looks fake as heck so i hope it works

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Plot twist, ends up being 99% correct

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I damn well hope not.

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Well, honestly… It would be a good plot twist. Specially if its for Japan

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If vehicles of that leak coming to war thunder, we get: 6 copy pasta, 1 modified and 3 new. That is too much copy pasta for only 3 new.

I would like to divert your attention to the Finnish sub trees. On release, they had a grand total of one modified vehicle, and no unique vehicles.

I mean… I wouldn’t mind an A-37 Dragonfly

Depending on its br it would be quite the fun critter to fly around with.

Like there are honestly a lot of planes they have kinda just skipped over from the ,50s-70s and it’s kinda disappointing as they would add a lot of flavor and variety to the 8.7-10.3 BR spread.

But as we all know that doesn’t sell so here have another F-16 and MiG-29 to grind…


Yep, fully know that. BTW finnnish vickers are unique. But yeah, seems like gaijin can’t add 80% unique TT anymore.

Do you think sweden would get a tier VII premium next update? I mean, the J35XS is not that capable in the hands of noobs and it isn’t as stable compared to other tier VII premiums in terms of grinding capability

They are Dutch, not Finnish.

The J35XS is arguably the best tier 7 premium and is more stable than some others for grinding.

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T-72M1, BT-42, T-55M, 2A6, Vickers MkE to name the ones off the top of my head.

I was only referring to Finnish vehicles, of which the only one you mentioned is the BT-42.

Those are all Finnish tho. 2A6 being the modification you speak of, but it’s rather substantial.
The rest are unique additions.
Not even Germany’s T-72M1 is a copy-paste of Finland’s.

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The T-72M1 is Soviet, the T-55M was not added on release, the Leopard 2A6NL is Dutch, and the Vickers Mk E is British.

pls no

Almost always gets a downtier which helps.
F-104S TAF was the same till they bumped it to 11.0. When it was still 10.7 it would wreck.

11.0s get tonnes of downtiers now that the max BR is 12.3. The F-4E is actually playable now.