Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

propably there already is the leoaprd 2 PLm1 , mostly internal changes

Additionally, the Leopard 2PL MI version includes: implementation PIX function, introduction function selection the last or first echo the laser range, introduction automatic system extinguishing fire fighting in compartment APU, Introduction system cold start to the engine without restart electronics devices, micro charging battery in battle tank during storage, electronics compartment active cooling, preparation electrical installation for identification Friend or Foe.

IFF on tanks wouldn’t be useful for RB or AB

most of the named stuff wont be to relevant, thats my point, c&p for poland and it is pretty much is finished

Sounds like their policy for all the Leopards

poor hungarian leopard, didnt even bother to change the top mounted mg

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not even, Finland could’ve gotten a Leo 2A6M which wouldn’t change anything that matters but they didn’t

even germany had the 2a6m as well just saying

I mean I’d keep the MG3 over any other 7,62 MG too

I know but it’s not worth adding unless we get Mine layers for ground RB

oh tornado my beloved, when will i get my dispenser systems

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Top mounted MGs are kinda random at times. All the CR2s could and probably should get upgraded to 12.3mm HMGs, would be actually a decent buff

(not too mention that I’d love to see one added with a 40mm Grenade launcher)

or Taurus which can before takeoff be locked to a specific Base in Air RB

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Agreed there. Give me JP233 please and let the raging begin from taking out planes with mines

there are planes with mines already! the Catalinas for example have Air dropped Naval mines

of course, but dispensers could be used in GRB as well, and stay like 2-3min that already would be plenty fun

I think 4x Naval mines which are a bit “meh” is one thing. A dispenser with 215 mines (and the tornado carried 2x JP233 dispensers) is kinda different

ik ik

Imagine deploying them near a spawn point :D

yessss I wanna see the world om fire in ground RB

poor ground target mains

If they’ve let a Tornado fly at 500ft in a straight line for I think about 10 to 15 seconds, right next to the spawn point without shooting it down, then I think they deserve it