Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

wrong they removed the Premium CV 90 and added a different one for Compensation

Edited, I missed a sentence, hype made me forget how to redact lmao

That being said, I should probably not have expectations at all, the user who recalls seing 2E in an Olivia leak list doesn’t even recall it exactly and can’t find it, so maybe they are mixing up with other (less reliable) leak lists or misremembering anyway hahah

also do you really want your Leo to get butchered by Gaijin?

Well, 122 wasn’t butchered, so I don’t think they would butcher 2E, considering it has the same armor package

u say, but gajin still was able to give the PSO the floating turret once again

Also look at the Challys

Sad British Noises

leos are so mediocre im staying with me planes (and maybe ships?)

what do you mean “it would end at rank V maybe” there is a tree suggested in this forum
why don’t you go look at it before talking about stuff you don’t know anything about

Yeah, im the same. As much as I’d like to get into Ground, GRB is such a badly designed gamemode and the balance is so aweful, im sticking with Planes. Though I am looking forward to what they do with naval next, but needs some serious TLC, getting a little stale

yes Naval really needs some fixing, I currently can’t be bothered to grind further than Heavy Cruisers

no current plans for poland sorry

I have all British Bluewater researched, but stick mostly with lights because Britains light cruisers have better armour than their heavies and BB gameplay is just bad at the moment, the deliberate nerfs to anything with 15 inch guns makes playing the Hood really dull

I also find the sit around and click the shoot button gameplay of later Naval is just boring. Subs, carriers and planes with AshMs could really make the gameplay more interesting and diverse

although admittedly the current Battleships would stand no chance

Thats not what he said.

He never confirms a nation a head if time.

Yeah it would. Also just different objectives would do loads as well.

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but he said that the 2pl wont be touched for the foreseeable future

but the foreseeable future from this post has passed already

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When gaijin says that they normally have the ick to change that like rank 5 premiums nukes and Israeli.

that was this year, if their were plans for poland they would have had been already done

Could be left and another just C&P over to a Polish Tree

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