Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

My bad, I didn’t mean remove as in delete from the game. I just meant remove as in remove from the situation so that I can compare the 2.

But at that point why don’t we also add a Challenger 2 to every nation? Or a T-80BVM? Or a Leopard 2? Because almost no nation has that choice between MBTs, the US can only choose between Abrams’ for their MBT, Germany can only choose between Leopard 2s and the same goes for pretty much every game that I’m too lazy to write up.

iirc the F.58 is an FGA.9 for export so I think it’s still possible to have a TT version of that boi

that’s just how britain gets treated with the last and best versions of most planes simply not getting added

There was a list that mentioned the Leopard 2A6E or EX on reddit, but it also mentioned the AIM-120 for US only and the Samsung galaxy Note for Japan.

In the meantime a future polish tree is chuckling somewhere. The day china gets abrams isnt to far away either

It’s a case of variants. CR2 has few variants in comparison to Leopard or Abrams. Germany or US isnt exactly going to miss 1 singular version that they could probably get anyway from another nation or even domestically. (US operates the AIM as well as exporting to the Australia I believe for example)

the Note’s a powerful Incendiary bomb tho, would be like a FAB 5000 but napalm

thats the one i meaned yeah, might have imagined the olivia part to myself for all i know, i might have been drinking during the time

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wait what Meaned? you falling back to Middle English or has it just turned Mean?

It’s also partially ww1, korean war, vietnam war and dozens of other wars - 1 2 1

Yugoslavia really didn’t have anything special. Mostly soviet stuff. And the tree would end at rank V maybe.

Or the spanish leopard could a replacement for the PL if poland comes

yes, but F.58 is one of the only with CMs and guided weapons. its been somethign Britain has been explicitly asking for for quite a while. We do actually have a Hunter FGA9 premium, but instead of gviing us the RAF one that had some decent A2G options (I dont htink anything guided) or decent AAMs, we got the Rhodesian version that was used for air defence.

yeah mean, bit distracted during lessons

Yugoslavia and its successor nations have a plethora of unique and modified vehicles all the way to the top.

either it ends at rank V or it does a Germany and they add all sorts of stuff from the various sucessors

It’s a “there go my GJC savings” lmao

Imagine a Leopard 2A6 with Strv 122 armor and M1A2 SEP thermals- that’s what Leopard 2E is…

And not only is it a beast in terms of performance- but, to top it off, it would imply me being able to play the vehicle my country currently operates, aaaaaaaa

smin already stated the 2PL will not be removed and is not planned to get removed in the future if poland ever comes

you currently operate the vehicle or is it currently being operated by the spanish?

I mean the Merkavas in the US tree didn’t get removed either, just got renamed to have the star infront

nah he stated will stay part for research

Well hidden he is right that war thunder never removed a vehicle