Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Probably about 2pm ish usually right?

Big NO for Yugoslavia. They shouldn’y add countries that don’t exist anymore. I hate it.

  1. add yugoslavian vehicles to other countries as premium/event vehicles
  2. change USSR to Russia and change those flags for modern.

Stop pretending it’s ww2 game. It’s 21st century.

They’ve literally got a MIG-23, G-91 and F-86 for CAS options at those specific BR ranges.
If you think it’s consistent you’re delusional.

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Imo the C2A1 and AIM were added correctly, the T-90S is the mistake here.

supposed to take the role for guided armament, and the ones you named dont do either, right answer would be alpha jet but gajin just was to lazy

Because it still is partially a ww2 game, are you deliberately being stupid?

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@_Renzo i looked like stupid, but wasnt able to find the particular list i swear i saw

It certainly does feel like the rules change every other time. Whilst a Leopard or Abrams for the British TT as a SQV or event vehicle would have been really nice (and hopefully will be added) its the lack of consistancy on the matter that is the issue.

If the exporter gets the vehicle, then why is the Hunter in the German TT and not Britiain, If its the importer gets the vehicle then technically Canadian and Australian Vehicles would be best suited for British Tree.

But yeah, T-90 was the biggest mistake in the History of WT

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Canadian Leopard 1, not 2.



bruh literally almost half the game’s content (most fun content) is WW2

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No. Yugoslavia and its successor nations made and used enough vehicles for a full tree, so it should be added.
EDIT: also, “I don’t like something, so no one else is allowed to, either”.

*In your Opinion

Personally I hate the lower tier stuff and exclusively play high tier.

to be fair gajin clearly stated common wealth vehicles will only be added to britain as needed, the only official sub nation is south africa, what i take from this is that american and german vehicles mainly will be added to their representive nations as well

there are no solid rules gaijin just adds stuff however they want


And that is the problem.

There are a few spanish Tiger helis too so who knows

Yeah, though they said that whilst adding a soviet MBT at intially a BR where Britain had nothing else and then lowered it to a BR in which Britain actually has several decent MBTs. If it was an IFV, light tank or SPAA, then it might have been better received. But I still think a Canadian Leopard on the British TT at some point would be really nice addition


doesnt fill the need for guided armament like tv guided like the mavericks. the mig 23bn only has dumb armament.
That is not even mentioning that the mig23bn is bad without flares or air to air missles and is not able to defend itself

It has rocket CCIP and four very good unguided rockets, on top of being very fast, so it doesn’t need fully guided weaponry.