Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

I have this strange feeling we will see Spain but in a few years. Likely when Typhoon is well established. So they’ll be added as a 4th Typhoon nation. I think the next nation to be added will be a “redfor” nation.

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what is this thailand?

1990 RedFor or Current RedFor?

which nations would be left that wouldn’t be China 2?

do you mean korea with that?, most likely a united korea tree if i had to guess

That being said a united korea tree would be combined redfor and bluefor

I meant more the concept of mostly soviet tanks and then like 3 domestic ones up until very far down the TT

with planes it’ll be the same

Which leak was that? Last olivia leak I saw mentioned the T-90M, could you share a link or screenshot.

to be fair, that will be the case for any new bluefor nation as well

pre-1990 unfortuantely, Sim is still usually Germany, Soviets, China, Japan, Italy on the same team, with Sweden and France swapping between. But The last 2 nations added were Sweden and Israel. I see the next being something like Poland or something akin, a more “soviet” nation than a “western” nation


current Bluefor used to be Redfor nations like Poland could at least bring a nice mix of vehicles from east and west which would make it worth grinding again for those that don’t have both US and USSR ground out

well a united korea tree would do the same

would need to search i vaguely remember seeing it here in the forums when i skipped over it

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Though that would be a powder keg waiting to happen

is it? a lot people are arguing that it realy isnt any different to the combined china tree

looking at that past brings an interesting point to the table

the New trees after italy were all more Neutral focused with Sweden, Finland and Israel as a Semi outlier

so I suspect that could be a trend and we’ll see a semi neutral country next which would remove poland from the possibilities list and put sth like Argentina and Switzerland back onto it

Yeah, adding Taiwan to China was also a powder keg to that hasnt gone badly yet.

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I’d not be surprised by a South American Nation, and it would have a reasonable mix of Western, Soviet and native tech. Argentina would be semi interesting

I mean if they add North Korean vehicles to an otherwise south korran tree that won’t be much of a powderkeg either (love how the english language uses that word in this way too btw.) since the North korean guys can’t cry on reddit and the Forums that much