Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Using a vehicle does not mean that it is the national origin. The Vickers Mk 3 was developed and manufactured in Britain, so it’s British.

What part of it was made for export don’t you understand ?

What part of it being made by and in Britain do you not understand?

suprised u didnt mention korea, seems better then some of that copy paste stuff you mentioned since they actualy do have modern indigineous vehicles

Well with some people line of thinking we aren’t even close to having one lmao.

K2 for the US anyone ?

poland sub tree for germany, K2 for germany anyone?

I still believe in my agenda to gather all Panther tanks in 1 tree. The family just wants to be whole


All you need to do is to type in got google and you will find your answer is wrong.

" The Vickers MBT is a series of main battle tanks (MBTs) developed as a private venture by British company Vickers-Armstrongs for EXPORT"

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Yes, by British company Vickers-Armstrong.


If there was another nation in game, which imported the vehicle, around the time it was added, it would have gone there. In the absence of any other location for it, then being in the British TT makes sense. Same as the KF41 would have been in the german tree if it wasnt for the fact Hungary was added. Same as the Hunter F58 would have been in the British tree if they didnt decide to add Swiss to the German tree.

As it currently stands though, the British TT is slowly morphing into a mixed tree. 50% of the last major update was British vehicles, and that at best was a C&P of a vehicle we got 9 months before. The only “new” vehicle wasnt actually british at all. The current trend is that Britain is highly unlikely to get many domestic vehicles in the near future and as a Brit maining Britain, that is actually kinda sad. Many of the vehicles I really want in game, are those that could and should be added about now

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Yes, I never said it wouldn’t. That does not, however, change the fact that the vehicle is in no way not British. Also, they never stated that all Swiss vehicles would go to Germany.

The most recently Australian vehicle added to the game was added to the US tree.

No, but the only one Britian has been asking for for the last several years ended up in the German tree so…

still only was lazy copy paste by gajin, same job would have done by the alpha jet, but would have required a new model

Yeah that is true, apparently its cockpit needs deleting and starting again among other things. Its a real shame that they seem less willing to add new models

the worst part just is that everyone gave germany flak for getting it, when we literaly would have had another option we would have prefered and not some vehicle that absolutly had no connection to germany if you dont start making switzerland a sub nation to germany

It would be nice to see a FT-17 or a vickers 6-ton in spain, plus they have Leos and the eurofighter or even the CASA 101

Yeah, same for the T-90 in Britain, A canadian or Australian IFV would have been better in every single way. I dont think they’ve added a SQV that has not been highly controversial in the past few years. Even the FRS1 got a huge amount of flak as it should have been a TT, and they have even gone and fixed that now

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just saying latest olivia leak if i remember right said the leopard2a6e (spanish leopard version) is coming, this combined with smin confirming more leopards are coming for germany this year and the 2a6e being the most likely candidat update wise, makes it obvious spain wont be a french sub tree, i am not saying it will be a german sub tree, just that spanish vehicles will most likely be placed were they fit the best

We need older tanks, no itsy bitsy modern out of factory tanks

still thinking that spain needs its own sub tech tree in france.