Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Tbh that’s more a one off since the Chinese PT-76 was so bad and undesirable, since it never had the stabilizer yet stayed at the same BR cus of heat. Everywhere else these copy paste gap fillers almost always stay. Tbh I’m fine with it in situations where they fill gaps or bolster lineups, but I just wish if Gajjin was going too add a sub tree, they’d focus on adding the more interesting and unique vehicles first too that tree rather than just making it 75% CP, and then adding the unique vehicles later

The Chinese PT-76 not only was very stable even without the stabiliser, but was also at a lower BR. Where people get the idea that it was any different from that is beyond me.

Yeah exactly, thats my point.
All though I don’t mind 1-1 copies alongside it. Even for premiums as long as they are not copies of other premiums.

In my experience the lack of a stabilizer still made a big difference, and I’m pretty sure it spent most of its time at the same BR. Also the .3 difference isn’t a huge deal, especially when you consider that china dosnt have the best lineup’s around that BR compared too other nations

Either way, the important point is that it wasn’t popular, and gajjin decided too remove it and replace it with a domestic option, but that still makes it a outlier rather than a general trend of replacing CP vehicles with domestic ones.

I mean you can’t make a claim like that without also linking an official source to confirm it.


For me I’m not hoping for any specific nation but let’s just say the highest are,



switzerland would be really nice too

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Yea true

Yeah thats a good guess.
As a Dutchman I feel anything from my country is grossly unrepresented but so do the Polish, Turkish, Balkan and Iberian players probably. Any of them would be interesting additions but would personally hope most for BeNeLux.

spain needs its own sub tree in france ngl, they got T-26, HA-112

That makes even less sense

Btw there is at least 11 variants between the Ha-1109 and 12 so enough for rank 2 and 4.


Ha-1109-K-1L (Option 1)
Main - 2x 20mm cannons (Under wings)
Sec - (?)

Ha-1109-K-1L (Option 2)
Main - 2x 20mm cannons (In the wings)
Sec - (8-cm Oerlikon Rockets)

Ha-1109-K-1L (Option 3)
Main - 2x 12.7mm (Under wings)

Ha-1109-K-1L (Option 4)
Main - 2x 12.7mm (In the wings)

Main - 2x 12.7mm

Main - Rockets only

Ha-1109-J-1L (Re-engined)
Main - 2x 20-mm cannon

Ha-1112 K-1L (Option 1)
Main - 1x 12.7mm Breda MG
Sec - (80mm Rockets)

Ha-1112 K-1L (Option 2)
Main - 2x 12.7mm Breda MG
Sec - (80mm Rockets)

Ha-1112 K-1L (Option 3)
Main - 2x 20-mm Hispano

Ha-1112 M-1L (Option 1)
Main - 2x 20mm cannons (In the wings)
Sec - (Rockets)

As another dutchman it really depends on how Gaijin implements it.

If they take the effort to make it at least somewhat unique at launch than I will gladly grind it. If they just copy and paste a bunch of Shermans, Centurions and Leopards into it with a small amount of unique vehicles sprinkled on than I will gladly pass on it.

that’s for any tree really
if you start your reasoning by “if gaijin fucks it up” then yeah the future doesn’t look bright

As unlikely as it is now that the Hungarian subtree was added, I’d also love to see a Visegrad tree.

It’s odd to have Spain in France as most equipment is ether German or heavily modified by Spain.
Until Spain joined the EU and NATO but saying that they do have some interesting jets as well

man at least you got Fokkers :((
the only thing that comes close to a Belgian vehicle are the turrets on the CV 90105 and the Patria

Why ?

A nation can only really have one sub tree

Poland can have ether Czechoslovakia or Ukraine as a sub tree.


Why what specifically?

Why would Poland be not added at all because of Hungary.

It doesn’t make and sense

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Visegrad, not Poland.