Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Cant wait for the day when we get finally ECM pods on the Tornado’s

Which is more likely to be the battleship USS Mississippi Oliviia leaked ? She didn’t specify.



…until you realize TUSK is from 2006 and the SEP ingame has TUSK, therefore meaning the ingame SEP should already be upgraded to the 2002 standard.


Yeah, i partially feel like that. Some nations I just play the premiums.
Sounds like a lotta money but when I buy a 60 euro premium I end up playing it more than I would a standalone tripple A title 😅
This is how I justify most of my gaming budget to go to WT (and Enlisted).

For me Sweden could use some thickening out and should be more of a Scandinavian/Nordic or something joint tree with Norway and Denmark too.


I mean it’s clear now that Norway will be premium filler while Finland be TT filler.
But now I think the tech tree needs to be renamed to Scandinavia or Nordic Union.
That way even more thing can be added as it’s now a union of nations rather than one prime nation.

Yugoslavia theoretically could be entirely made up of unique and modified vehicles without any copy and paste while still being fairly fleshed out, especially at the lower to mid tiers.


Yes, however why should we get a yugoslav tree, it serves for nothing but to bulk out the game with more ‘interesting modification’ of soviet vehicles. End of the day not many people will end up playing it and generally the addition seems like a waste of development time for gaijin.

TUSK is an external package, it can even be added to IPM1.
So that does not indicate the year of the base tank.


It should be added because it would add a plethora of unique and modified vehicles from both sides, not just Soviet.

By 2006, all M1A2 SEPs had been upgraded to the 2002 SEP standard.

If it has 2006 TUSK, then it means the tank is depicted as it was on its 2006 and onwards configuration; therefore, it must be the 2002 standard all SEPs were upgraded to in 2002.

I don’t think the name of the techtree has much bearing on what can be added to it. That would be the domain of stated plans, really.

oohh this ones real easy to take out of context. uhoh

Not that I’m personally interested in Yugoslavia but isn’t that what Israel is right now?
All of their “unique” vehicles are French/American vehicles with different avionics and their own line of missiles with the last one (Python 3) being the only really unique one. To be fair the only real different avionics are modernisations on Phantoms and Mirage III’s basically and other nations have done that too. France themselves have done modern Mirage III’s if you want a modern hud on it.

Despite all that, Israel…Yugoslavia or many other potential nations, if the tree is structured interestingly progression wise and the premiums available fit my play style then I’d be interested in buying one and playing the tree a bit.

As long as the vehicles are changed in a way that makes them different enough to be somewhat unique and not just a straight 1-1 copy of an already existing vehicle I would say it’s game.

I’m well aware it could be. but this is the Snail. They will do anything to fill a tree with soviet copy and paste instead of the unique stuff it could have. look at all the ZSU’s they are in like 9/10 trees. You can tell me all about the fact no copy-and-paste is needed but I don’t work for the Snail, I just play their game.

I could make a tree full of domestic/modified for the nation I want most(Canada) and it would be as big as the small trees in the game at least. But it’s more likely the tree would get 10-20% of its unique stuff it could get and the rest copy-and-paste.

Shilkas and Sparkas are in four trees, not nine.

I was making a point with how they love to copy and paste the op soviet stuff. 4,9 doesn’t matter still one tree too many.

Would be nice if they hide at least some of unnecessary C&P once similar ingenious vehicles arrive. For example, in case of Italy, Hungarian 23-4 and 57-2 can be replaced by Leo I 40/70, some M113 AA prototypes, OF-40 PRTL and M320 Porcupine.

They have done this once in the past with the Chinese PT-76, so hopefully they’ll keep doing it, however I’d not get my hopes up. Also, what are those last two? I’ve never heard of them before and I wasn’t able to find any info on them on Google.

OF-40 PRTL is basically a Gepard on Palmaria chassis. M320 is a weird truck with 20 mm Vulcan