Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

If the grind wasnt so shitty and if I actually enjoyed anything sub about Br10 , then maybe I’d grind out another nation, but as it stands, that is a massive amount of time, energy and probably no small amount of money to buy Prems. I just cant be bothered with all that. Especially when they could just add more vehicles to the minor nations


Gaijin mentioned earlier that there will be a new country at the end of this year, with quite a few characteristic vehicles, especially on the ground, which I kind of can’t wait to see
At present, it is more likely that it is Korea, or the Central and Eastern European joint tree, such as the Eastern European TT made by players in our forum before

Wouldn’t be surprised if it was S.Korea and went in Japan to give them more stuff

Central/Eastern EU TT without Hungary lol, that would be funny
Personally I’m hoping for a Swiss tech tree

They hinted at it; however, they did not confirm anything. Also, Yugoslavia.

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Could also be a south American stuff, is a rather under-represented region currently. Though not entirely sure what they’ve got, though my Sea Harrier would quite enjoy that addition


Hell yes. A joint tree makes little sense apart from maybe the benelux one.

recon drones for artillery vehicles when? :C

Indirect fire for artillery vehicles when?


We already can do that with some like Type 75
there are maps in which u can shoot at 3 km (more or less) but recon is needed

Does it have a laserrangefinder or how does it work?

You have a buddy in the drone. Your buddy marks the spot, you calculate using map and hope for the best.

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I think it would be a fun thing, to give planes, helis and maybe spg ability to snap to the friendly drone mark. But it would be even more cancerous.

Is there any possibility that 12.7 BR maybe aircraft max equips 6 all-aspect infrared guidance & 6 BVR Air-to-Air Missile in rank 8 ?

You guess next major update gaijin might consider GPS guidance Air-to-Ground munitions for 4 countries (USA, Italy, China & Israel), another infrared guidance Air-to-Air Missile from PLAAF & PLANAF, EU & JASDF and 3rd gen targeting pod for F-16C Block 50 & MiG-29SMT (9-19) ?

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I really want the ability for drones to make a CCRP target point that you can then target and lob bombs at them. 2 player artillery


Certainly, it inherited the same armor upgrade of the SEP:

M1A2 armor improvement

M1 improvement

And then straight from the horses mouth:
M1A2 Armor: ODIN - OE Data Integration Network
M1A2 SEP Armor: ODIN - OE Data Integration Network

As you can see the M1A2, AIM, and SEP all received incrementally improved hull and turret armor. While the turret armor is somewhat represented in game the hull armor has been held back due to Gaijin.


Compared to the M829A2 the A3 will be a substantial leap in capability against both NERA/ERA and conventional composite armor. Improving over the A2 with a 1kg heavier penetrator and being 144mm longer.


no it would not, it would still be very hard to aim, specially moving targets, + other players with same vehicles will hunt u
It would work mainly against campers (which is a good thing)

God I hope the Independent nation is the swiss


I don’t think it will be those. and that’s a lot of join trees. and looking at this game I don’t think they will do joint trees. It looks like a tree and a sub-tree is as far as the Snail will go.

They had years to add a joint tree that makes sense to be first “The Commonwealth” but South Africa is a sub-tree, New Zealand doesn’t exist to them and Canada and Australia are in this backrooms-like situation.

I’m leaning a bit more toward the Yugoslavia idea as it’s a nation they can fill with soviet copy and paste. Despite the fact that said nation probably does not need it.

Tho I’m in the open a new nation won’t come until the spring update at the earliest.

Until you realize there is 3 years between service year 1999 and the alleged first front armor upgrades in 2002.