Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Considering that some of the Leopard 2s in game should have better hull armour than they do, I am not expecting them to come with better hull armour.

All they said is that the R-77 may be added to the Yak-141, not that it will come any time close to the R-73. It is highly likely, however not confirmed.

I think ECM is going to be 100% needed for any aircraft not built for A2A to Survive ARH, like the IDS Tornados and it would make sense adding ECM at the same time as Fox 3 for a number of reasons. Im hoping that CM overhauls that split flare and chaffs will be included in that update.

ARM and hopefully also wider deployment of ASM could be really interesting additions , especially with Rank 8 ground rumoured

Wish they would add modern naval maps with AI modern ships, they don’t have to be OP spamming missiles at everyone but some targets for naval weapons IR guided bombs, and more additions of ASMs for the respective nations.

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Yeah, and if nothing else. ASMs could be stupidly easily added to all Tornado IDS aircraft we have. Just straight C&P the radar from the MFG and add where necessary reskined ASMs. But yeah, still sinking WW2 ships in Gen 4s in SB (and Im guessing on the rare time you see naval maps in ARB) is a real shame. I was hoping for an overhaul of naval aviation perticuarlly carrier operations but also naval escorts for them as well, when they added the F-14. That would have been a great update


W/ where we are in Ground now, it 's unlikely that anti-radiation missiles will have a real effect in that mode - command-guided missiles jumped straight into the optical lock era, and won’t be leaving it for the few nations which still have self-mobile SAM 's left to appear.

More likely, it seems, is ARM 's providing a new kind of a2g gameplay in the Air modes, where static SAM complexes of the type the devs feel confident these missiles would be useful against would likely be applied.

It 's possible they could appear in Naval too, on devserver USS Douglas originally had AGM-78 instead of RIM-24, just like irl. Maybe now that we’re seeing evidence for the naval surface-to-surface radars which would be needed for that weapon to operate, in addition to the opening possibility of development for similar weapons in Air, they could appear here too.

I think it would be better to hold 2A7HU a bit for these reasons:

  • to get more information about this modification (at least more photos, as only available now were taken during transportation) to implement it in the correct way, unlike 2A4HU for example, which is pure copypaste currently despite it has some differences irl;
  • to avoid being overshadowed by the big 3 additions (specifically German 2A7+);
  • to prepare better ground for this addition, I mean to add top tier mbt premium (equal to other nations), for example this interesting Ariete variant, which can be limited to DM33 and placed at 10.x br.
    Carro Armato C1 Ariete "Certezza"
  • maybe add some squadron vehicle (TR-125 from Romania or smth like that);
    In general no need to rush with 2A7HU imo.
    Edit: more footage of 2A7HU is available:

SB is definetly why I want them more than anything else. But it does entirely depend on what Rank 8 SPAA will look like. If its very strong, very long range radar guided systems, then ARM could be necessary at top tier.

But going forward, the next major A2G upgrade for Britain would be Brimstone, so im assuming they’d want to add capable SPAA to counter that for most nations first and for most other nations to counter that SPAA, they’d need ARM.

Could be an interesting dynamic if nothing else with their addition

DM53 and DM63 are the same shell with different charges, the 63 has a wider range of temperature usability.

M1A2 SEP V2 did have improved hull armor, and M829A3 would have over 700mm of penetration in game, largely nullifying most armor at top tier.

That 's the issue, lots of nations are completely tapped out as regards SPAA. 12km+ SAM systems which can move under their own power just aren’t very common, and the ones that exist almost universally do not need to use the radar to maintain targeting track.

In addition, there 's the developer 's issues w/ the unknown accuracy and questionable killpower of the ARM missiles themselves. It really doesn’t seem like the weapons are seriously considered as a balancing tool, since the situation they’re useful in largely does not exist in ground modes. But it also doesn’t seem like the weapons won’t be implemented either, since their situational use can be represented in the Air modes.

Expect guided weapons w/ more universal targeting abilities to " counter " toptier SPAA, if such a thing exists by the time those weapons are added.

Yeah, that is very true. I think we are nearing the “max” tier for WT.

I have heard that parts of the RWR overhaul were good starting steps for ARM implementation as well. So I think we are moving in that direction ,just no idea on time frame


Indeed. As I said on the last thread, very soon the main course for Ground additions might not be top vehicles, but new nations inside and alongside the existing techtrees.

It certainly doesn’t seem coincidental that some of the unused SAM detection alerts are for the exact ones they said anti-radiation missiles would be effective against !


Yeah, that would definetly be interesting gameplay


Interesting. Do you have sources for the armor bit? I have never seen anybody posted them before.

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Reaching the end of ground forces may be an overall positive thing. Gaijin can focus its resources on fixing issues, instead of just racing to add more and more stuff.

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Oh… Looks like we’re popcorn time again
True or Fake ? It looks like this is a little crazy : 3

Hope not.

More copy paste filler stoppers nobody cares about.

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How would we know?

It’s obviously real my pondering orb says so.


thailand is such a weird mix of vehicles, and tbh I’m not sure where they would go. My best guesse would be that they end up a sub tree of China, since they are supplied by them for thaings such as the VT-4(which was found in the files a while ago so it is coming) and it would be an interesting way too introduce the T-84 without any if the baggage of having to deal with implementing the nation of Ukraine. But otherwise I’m just not confident which nation thailand gets too be a sub tree for

For that reason, I’ma say fake, cus there a several vehicles on that list that would be pointless additions no matter what tech tree they were added too