Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

What I see for the major nations, either 2 options:

T-90M, Leopard 2A7/2A7+ (no add on armor) and M1A1 FEP or T-90M, 2A6EX and M1A2 SEPv2.

Hopefully some armor fixes for the Merkava Mk.4s, like it previously was on the LIC and some consistency fixes for the Type 10 etc.

Adding another German Leopard 2 without add on armour after the response to the Leopard 2 PSO would be quite the bad move.

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I’d say Sea Harrier FA2 is almost certain at this point, would be a more logical next addition for Britain over the Gripen and with all the work spent on the FRS1, I just dont think they’ll skip it and if its not added soon, then it will be a old tier addition in the future.

Also some form of IFV for Britain

When was a British IFV confirmed for this year?

Fairly certain Smin or someone mentioned light tanks or IFVs for britain soon™

Soon, yes, but they never said this year.

Would make sense though, Britains only ground addition this year was the Chally 2E (I think) so assuming they add anything else for Britain ground this year for top tier its either a light tank, IFV or SPAA. If its just another CR2 then there will be a riot

Why do players think Gaijin listens to them if they get mad about a vehicle only to add another vehicle as a sorry ?

Tanks take months if not years to make the leo’s Smin said is because they are going to add rank 8 and need to have a show boy for that rank. It’s been planned this way.

Plus didn’t BvvD said that they were working on the 2A7 in the Apex stream ?

The worst part about Britain is that Gaijin acknowledged the problem of Britain having very few support vehicles, while adding something that is very much not a support vehicle.

Yep… The Indian addition wouldnt have been so bad if it wasnt the one thing Britain wasnt lacking and at a BR where Britain is actually half decent already

I never said that they do, just that it would be a bad move.

Oh don’t get me wrong I don’t necessarily disagree. I just wouldn’t put it past Gaijin. However I think the second option would be the most likely.

The T-90M is basically a given. It will be slow but well armored and likely be very survivable if it gets the T-80 damage model. I assume it would get 3BM59, while a very minor improvement (close to M829A1). Likely still slightly less meta than the BVM, but still a strong addition to the russian lineup.

Leopard 2A6EX would finally give Germany a Leopard 2 with the add on hull armor and better gunner thermals. I still think it would be limited to DM53 though, maybe DM63 at most.

M1A2 SEPv2 is difficult. I haven’t seen anything that talks about if it has improved hull armor or not. However they could also give it M829A3 as a coubterbalance if it still retains the same hull armor as the normal M1A2.

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I would expect the Leopard 2A7+ before the 2A6EX, as not only is it a mainline variant, but there is also the 2A7HU, which is a modification of the 2A7+.


I mean it could be right. You could also add the SEPv3 with those, as it should be in line and we know that it had improved hull armor.

However I think stuff like the SEPv3, 2A7+ and 2A7HU should be more towards 12.3-12.7 already.

The top MBTs that we have currently could all go up to those BRs if the top BRs were decompressed, however I do believe that they will come with a BR increase to 12.0.

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…so late next week start of blog season?

Maybe Monday, but could be anytime next week is the best guess


No confirmation per se, but the addition of Rank 6 Bluewater w/o flagship ( lol ) new vehicles to fill it probably indicates that new ships, probably battleships maybe in the 380-406mm capability range will be in the next update.

Not completely unexpected, we already have some and there 's evidence that more are on the way. What would be more surprising( though still following known patterns ) would be the implementation of the currently-unavailable features and armaments of those ships which distinguish them from earlier ones.

Would the M1 Thumper really be a huge improvement ? It 's still a non-toptier hull mated to a new gun which, from what I’ve seen, doesn’t have a huge improvement in armour-defeating capability over the more modern 120mm rounds.

Object 195, idk if that 's a realistic possibility when the far less radical Challenger 2 LEP is our current baseline for " too unknown for gaijin to be considering/modelling ".
Esp. since if we go by the little we do know abt it, it 's at a capability level far beyond that - there 's not a whole lot that the Obj. would be necessary for addition to make fighting parity( which isn’t in a similar situation info-wise ), so the Ariete AMV situation probably isn’t comparable.

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Well most new leopards might come witj d tech armor in the hull witch arguably might be betrer then add kn armor

Y’know, I’d forgotten abt this ( [Development] Dev team replies to community feedback on the Sky Guardians update (3 - Page) ) - News - War Thunder ). Probably shouldn’t have, since it 's still relevant !


This is a rather complex type of weapon and, in our opinion, rather overrated in the eyes of our players. Given the high level of weapon realism in the game, these weapons may not give the desired balance effect with in-game SAMs for several reasons. Firstly, the vast majority of ARMs are designed to destroy "big” anti-aircraft missile systems, such as the Soviet S-75 and S-300, or American Patriot and Hawk


However, we still consider the ARM systems interesting as the gameplay and balancing option, so the further research of this type of weapon is still in our plans. If we discover new data on the ARM operating modes, they might be added to the game, same as other radio warfare means, such as the ESM pods and jammers.

Since we’ve seen ECM pods in the files, and they’ve added the specifically-anti-SAM RWR modes, maybe we’re closer to these being added than not.


Regarding the R-73 missiles, their software implementation is still in progress, so it’s too early to talk about its introduction to the game, but in the future it may well appear in the Yak-141, same as the R-77 missiles, which were also designed as the main armament of this aircraft.

Now that R-73 is here, we know MR-ARH are on the way, and we’ve seen it 's R-77 loadout in the files, we can again predict this aircraft will be given them.