Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

4x 9Ls, and 2x Skyflashes on the 2nd best radar at 11.7.
Kfir is the only real 11.3 better than it in a dogfight.
And the rest are worse than Viggen in armament.

And the Tornado IDS ASSTA1 should use Aim-9L/I which would be in the result a late AIM-9M

2nd best radar my ass, if you think that F-14A, Mirage 2000C-S5, AV-8B+ are worse then idk (they also have better missiles or better flight performance btw)

I mean overall. There are many better 11.3 jets than it. Kfir C.7, Kurnass 2000, Tornado F.3 / ADV, MiG-23MLA / MLD / ML and even F-4S / J. Not to mention other 11.7s.

Literally Kurnass 2000 / Kfir C.7 with Python 3; F-4EJ Kai with AIM-7F; Harrier Gr.7 / AV-8B+ with AIM-9M, Tornado F.3 / Tornado ADV with Skyflash SuperTEMP; Mirage 2000C-S5 with both Magic 2 and Super 530D; F-14A with AIM-7F

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F-14A only has the better flight performance.
Head-on only PD modes is bad, which only leave AV-8B+ which has no radar missiles; so that leaves none.
The best radar at 11.7 WITH SARHs is on EJ Kai. 2nd best is Viggen.
Kurnass 2000 has worse flight performance.
Tornado F3 is arguably under-BR’d but that’s likely getting AMRAAMs so it doesn’t matter too much.
MLD has worse loadouts & radar. F-4J worse loadouts & radar.
MLD has the best flight performance of all 11.3s, and it’s mid weapon loadouts make it 11.3.

Python 3 & AIM-9L are similar missiles.

Depends what it can get. We already have f16c with 9m/7m at 12.3, if only grippen will receive iris-t/aim 120 exclusively maybe wil be at 12.7

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Gripen probably wont get iris-t for a bit.

Having 9L and early Amraam (120B) could be balanced at 12.7.

IRIS-T has half the turn radius of the R-73 and can do a 180° in only 2s! It’s almost unflarable and has longuer range than the 9M.

The game is not ready for that missile rn.
Just the IRIS-T would make any plane 13.0+ since it would be free kill in a buble under 5km.

They all should be running that. Especially if the addition of ECM, Chaff and their full A2G loadout results in a BR increase

Considering I’ve beaten Viggens (not the D, the first one added) in both the Sea Harrier FRS1 and the Harrier Gr1. Then it’s probably not the best, good but not the best

Delta wings have a steeper learning curve, so it’s easier to do bad in them.

I’d say proper VIFF application and managing the engine temp in the Harrier 1s is a bigger learning curve

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Ngl since Oxy said something about Hungarian Germanic tanks I hope we see more Pz.IV and Tigers ect.

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Gajin not ready 5th gen infrared Air-to-Air Missile this year but guess you might see IRIS-T, AIM-9X Block I, PL-10, ASRAAM Block I, A-Darter and Python 5 after 2024

F-16C Block 50 could get IR AAM AIM-9M-9, BVRAAM AIM-120B & AIM-120C-3 AMRAAM and up to 12.7 this quarter

Gajin might consider 5th gen infrared guided Air-to-Air Missile Q3 2025 or Q2 2026

I guess gajin consider Gripen C from Swedish with PS-05/A mk.3 radar this quarter (Q4), employ Rb.74 (AIM-9L) & Rb.99 (AIM-120B), equipped Rafael Litening III targeting pod and integrated helmet mounted display (HMD)

Gripen C from Hungarian carry AIM-9L/I-1 and fitted PS-05/A Mk.3 radar too but got something better Gripen C for Swedish, especially carry 4th generation targeting pod from Rafael & AIM-120C

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I’m guessing we’ll see gen 5s on late gen 3 strike aircraft like the Tornado Gr4 first, best guess end of 2024 with more general roll out to A2A aircraft sometime 2025

This game really needs more planes from late 40’s to early 50’s. Especially US ones that are super underrepresent in WT. That time was the golden age of aviation ffs.

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I think Germany need more WW2 jets than the US does like they have the 7 Me 262’s, two He 162, A fictional Ho 229 and 2 Arado’s.

So in total 4 air frames when they can have stuff like He 280, Me P.1101, Me 329 ect

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I’m in favour of German Luft 46. But tbh the more unique models than just another mod of planes the better.

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Yea I didn’t include the Me 263 as that is more or less a rocket but with these bigger maps they are so needed.

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Also so many jet bombers are missing. And no I’m not talking about strategic ones that a lot of you suggested long time ago. But tactical ones like Tornado or other US prototypes from light to medium ones. Those would be amazing event planes or prem ones. But Gaijin hates bomber players. Soviets had some amaizng ones too if you think I’m biased.

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Yea true but I think after “WW2 era” bombers gaijin props thinks they are not worth adding as they will became missile food.

Even though they can add the bomber spawns and bases like 2-30 away from the main action.
So enough time for the bombers to be useful and enough time for fighters to shot them down.

But also adding stuff like what the Lancaster’s dropped to jam radars and things

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