Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Only two of them are useable, and they are still very inaccurately represented in game.

I’m afraid that Gaijin will fool the players again and foist a Leopard 2A6M on the German TT.
Just nothing that is strong and can stand up to the other nations.

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Since ww2 the UK has used their tanks in combat much more than Germany has. This is a ridiculous statement.

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I felt attacked

and some would say they are the worst MBTs in the game. But if you actually read what I said above. You’ll see that what I said was that Britain doesnt need another MBT, we need an Actually SPAA system as the highest we technically have is 10.3 and an IFV above 8.0 and a Light tank above 9.7

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Yes, it is an island.
Wasn’t meant to be bad 😆🙃

You said a small island which is false as there are tons of smaller island around us

Got nothing to do with it. During hte cold war, most were stationed in Germany and CR1s were deadly in Iraq.

Tornado F3 CSP probably seperate from Tornado F3 & could add under Tornado F3

Currently UK lack multirole fighter toptier 12.3 or 12.7

I guess JA37D Viggen could be 12.3 max BR if dev add Rb.99 BVRAAM this quarter

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yep another chally can’t change change the situation until gaijin fix it

Precisely. There is certainly radical improvements they could make to many of the pre-existing challys. the TES may have somewhere in the region of half of the armour it should have among other things. But yeah Something like the Rapier or Warrior VERDI for SPAA and something like the Ajax as an IFV would overhaul Britains prospects. Its kinda why the T-90 was such a bad call. Britain is not lacking in IFVs. If it had been an Indian IFV at 10.3 then it would have actually been messy but maybe actually good addition

Calling it now so I can do a “I told you so”: Britain will recieve Leopard 2’s from Canada in its tree to sub in for the challengers lack of penetration and protection.
CR2 may someday be fixed, but Gaijin seems pretty adament on letting them languish.

Canadian Leos would be cool though, but cooler still would be if they modelled CR2 with an ounce of realism lmao


Megatron would be pretty useless in the meta. Than again that seems to be in line with most of the Challenger 2s in game.

I wouldn’t say so. Megatron mounts Baracuda Thermal Protection. The tank would invisible on thermals which would make it extremely powerful in its own right

I still have hope that they’ll finally add an M1A1/2 and Leopard 2A5/6 variant with actual armor.

Of course with a whole lot of fixes for minor nation tanks like Israel and Japan.

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That is assuming Gaijin will actually model that feature though.

Knowing Gaijin, it would do the opposite, make the CR2 glow like a Christmas tree

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They would be fine if the armour was modelled correctly and if GJN made it so it can turn without losing all speed.

Challenger 2 would be competitive if they:
Didn’t put ammo racks in places that ammo literally cannot exist in real life and there’s photo evidence to prove it

Modelled the wet ammo storage for charges

Made the crew sit lower in the turret so they’re actually behind the strikeface of the turret cheeks like in real life

Worked on CR2s transmission so it can steer, or better yet, give it regen steering

Provide the correct composite armor for the mantlet, turret cheeks, UFP

Provide the correct ERA values for 2F, TES and base Challenger 2

Provide the correct NERA values for the dorchester bricks on the turret sides and the giant addon pack for the LFP

Gave L27 the correct muzzle velocity and higher pen

Just to name a few…

The CR2 ingame is shoddy and if you look at it even at a surface level, Gaijin very obviously just flunked the numbers and botched CR2


So what i’m trying to say is: Challenger 2 would be a great tank if they gave it the same kind of care and attention they give russian MBTs.