Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

That isn’t true, Smin reconfirmed what he and Gromvoiny have said on the old forum abt most-played-gamemodes when answering why the techtree reworks prioritized AB BR 's over RB ones: the Arcade modes are significantly more popular.

If that 's what 's been keeping you off, you’ve been missing out on alot - lightweight mortars ( like this one ) have been player-usable in Enlisted for two years already.

The MiG-21, J-7, and J-8 would like to have a word with you.


I think that is from WOT, how i know this, well it is UN-REALISTIC

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Btw next devlog season is about at next month.
I guess

We are getting an update presumeable early november. I assume the dev blog season will start this month.

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why do you want more nations you already have 10 to play

IIRC, That was from April fool’s event rewards in Chinese server that was closed.

add MIG-29 to the list

you’re obviously advertising for Wart hunder

So i was wondering, when will the JA37D get its HMD?

probably when it gets it’s AMRAAMs or when the AJ/AJS viggens get the missiles they were designed to carry (RB04 and RB15)

so basically never

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Ooor they can simply add JAS39C with or without AMRAAM and AMRAAM for JA37D in the same update.

I asked Smin just after the update about further expanding of AShM’s, but he said it wasnt planned. So it is probably an extremely low priority.

I mean I get it but I still want them

I hope once ships reach a high enough BR it’ll be back on the table

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sounds resoneble


So far without a global update, what do we have confirmed by datamines? And what are the rumors?

Yes it is good but the challenger 3 is still being tested and is planned for 2027-2030, it would be pretty unbalanced also that UK has some bad models, the leos can wait, Leclercs need buffs and the merkava’s armor buff could be good.

We know a new, and likely improved, Leopard 2 is coming this year. No matter if you think they can wait or not.

The new Leopard 2 will likely come with the T-90M and either the SEPv2, FEP or SEPv3 Abrams with the release of rank VIII ground.

Also the 2S38 is also still being tested, yet that didn’t stop them before. I do agree that it might be a bit more work to model it with the little available info and that most of the interior and armor will be guesstimates.
