Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

yet the 2s38 is premium, i think if you put any tester put it as a premium, bc adding a tank of which you only know 3 things about being a tech tree vehicle wouldnt be good for the game itself

Adding an overpowered premium is much worse for the game.

Can’t they add the Rheinmetall testbed from the Life Extension Project wasn’t that just a retooled Challenger 2 with an L55? plus I’m pretty sure the L28A2 and A1 are worse than L27 due to it not being DU but tungsten.

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I mean even if they added the Challenger 3 it would likely end up with the same armor layout as the Challenger 2 anyway, but this seems like the best option.

But that would move the viggen up. In doing so, creating a BR void. Do you need 2 jets at 12.3/12.7? Better to have 1 at 11.7 and 1 at 12.3/12.7


BR gaps are not only inevitable, but also not inherently a bad thing. A vehicle should be as close to real life as possible within the limitations of the game and its balance, and thus giving the JA37D the sole thing that makes it the JA37D is what should be done.

I’d rather have two jets at 12.3 and 12.7 than unplayable pos at 11.7. Not to mention historical aspect of JA37D.

That’s fair. Though we have seen them withhold historically accurate weapons for the sake of BR limiting. Like all 3 British Phantoms and Both Jaguars should have Aim-9L.

The thing is JA37D variant was built purely for RB99. JA37D without these missiles would be like F-14 without Phoenixes

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As I said, within the limitations of the game and its balance. Giving those planes AIM-9L’s would disrupt the balance in a significant way, as they would be forced to move up to a BR where the sum of their parts would make them below average to say the least.

Then yeah, it could potentially see them then. We’ll see what they’ll do. I can see it going either way

They could also pull an early-late thing, and add a separate JA37D with RB99’s, though I’d prefer if they didn’t.

There’s a simplier way of doing this - JA37D and JA37Di

What’s the JA37Di?

Yeah, a lot of people want them to do that with the Tornado F3. Add a CSP Variant

If its unplayable at 11.7, would AMRAAM really make that much difference? I imagine it would be the same as the F3. An “okay” aircraft at its BR, but would be uptiered greatly and totally carried by a weapon system that may or may not be all that impactful?

Regular JA37D configured for international operations with all instruments in English.

Interesting. That could certainly work.

I mean RB99 is kinematically much better than Skyflash and slightly worse than AIM-7F/M. Viggen could also mount 4 of them. I wouldn’t mind it going up to 12.0 if it got these missiles, especially when it faces 12.3 most of the time anyway.

Fair enough, I suppose we’ll just have to wait and see. Yeah I say much the same thing with the F3 when people point out its BR will go from 11.3 to 12.3 with AMRAAM. I only play SB, it already only faces 12.3s so at least it would be worthy of that BR.

This isn’t the right place for wishlisting