Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

now since that was Datamined to what kinda theme does that hint for the next major? since we just had new air will we either see the Gripen update so a semi Air focused updats or sth like submarines?

Last I checked armor isn’t ammo, and modular armor isn’t a thing for any MBT as of current.
Theoretically the Type 10 can have more armor, but it hasn’t been produced yet.

there is the big difference

It’s calles add on armor for a reason. Just like TUSK is add on armor for the Abrams, and you don’t particularly need the M1A2 SEP to have it mounted irl, as it can be mounted to any Abrams iirc.

Hell there were M1A1 HAs with TUSK armor.

You mean like the Dorchester Armor addons on most of the CR2s?

BVM and T-72B3 also spring to mind

and gripen

How do you defend without turning or dropping altitude if locked by an ARH? lol

If you turn away to notch, you drop speed. That’s how aerodynamics work.

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Turning doesn’t dump energy at 10.7+ outside of A-7E & A-7K.
Afterburning means you don’t drop speed…
Oh no… I went from mach 0.97 to 0.98 cause I turned on AB before the turn.

if you turn 90° to the missile and then 90° back to original heading you will have lost a lot of speed.

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I’ve never lost speed evading any radar missile in War Thunder.
Guns & IR missiles sure, but radar missiles are the most predictable missile.
IDK how much advanced ARHs will change long-range radar engagements. The biggest change will be short-range radar engagements.

Some WT-related news from GJN-o-sphere:

WT Mobile is introducing their first new* nation, Sweden ( [Coming Soon] Strv 103С platoon: Angry Jarls! - War Thunder Mobile - Online Military Action Game - Play for Free )

They’ve previously had evidence in the files for Italy and Israel ( several ground vehicles ) and China ( Q-5A ) as well as SWE.

Since WTM operates on an accelerated development/release schedule, we should continue to keep an eye on to see what might later appear t/here as toptier once they pass the " Abram 's and MiG-29 " level they’ve stated they’re looking to catch up to**, and for any other nations they/WT plan to add as subtrees*** or independents.

  • not playable during Beta
    • Mobile has already surpassed our Naval toptier level in battleships, and beat us to the punch adding submarines.
      W/ only a few more battleships left to add( in their gamefiles ) incl. the very last/highest level battleship Yamato, current evidence points to them moving into playable aircraft carriers before we do as well( though some of theirs came here first as AI units before being visually visible in WTM, back in WT 's Apex Predators update ), and there 's also evidence for missile ships to make their appearance there as they have/are/will be here.
  • South Africa became the first dedicated subtree in WTM, it mirrored it 's implementation to the GB tree here in WT

New decoration in the files " RM-40 "

As has been common over the past few years, this was a player weapon in Darkflow 's Enlisted before coming here.


Did a quick test, went from Mach 1.1 to Mach 0.9 breaking hard and took around 20 seconds to restore that energy. That is an eternity in a fight

but thats not the point of ARH. It’s not that they are harder to defeat than SARH. The point is that if I was in a joust with an F-14 or anything else with ARH (So SARH vs ARH). When we both turned cold to defend. I’d have to break my lock with the SARH causing it to self-destruct meanwhile the ARH would continue to track until I’d defeated it, which would likey require greater than a 90° degree turn to put chaff between me and the seeker. In the meantime, as soon as the F-14/ARH carrier has stopped getting RWR pings from my radar/seen my missile explode, he can turn back and re-engage if he wants whilst im still defending against the incoming ARH. I’ve now bled speed and put myself into a position where he is strong to re-engage with IR AAMs.

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Mach 0.94 to 0.93.


Most missile defeating in WT will be at the longer ranges, just as most missile defeating is done IRL.
And much like IRL, too close and in a bad position means the missile hits.
As for “harder to defeat”, Phoenixes internal radar doesn’t activate until 16km, and it’s weaker than people think.

Congratulation, but if you are doing 0.9 mach in a Tornado then the last thing you need to worry about is ARH, but rather the guy coming up behind you to put a burst of cannon fire into you or the IR AAM.

I never said the Phoenix was “hard” to defeat. I rarely ever see them used so i fully believe they are pretty bad.

But again, it doesnt matter if they are good or bad. Or easy or hard to defeat. the point of an ARH, is that you can attack and defend simutaneosuly. With SARH, its defend or Attack usually.

Besides, next gen of ARH. Like Aim-120A/B and if PL-12s are added at the same time, they are closer to Aim-120C. Are going to make Pheonixes look like Aim-9Bs compared to Aim-9Ms. There is no comparison there I reckon. They are not going to be radically game breaking, but they are going to be game changing. The dynamic on encounter will change. There is no doubt about that. Especially for non-BVR jets liek the Tornado IDS. I really hope we get Sky Shadow or chaff at the same time otherwise they are going to be unplayable in any form of uptier

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Not much, since whatever it 's intended for could very well already be ingame. Not a whole lot to base a " theme " around.

That’s the thing, they’re not behind, they’re in front.
Speed is only necessary mid-game & late-game for air RB, which most players play.
It’s partially why air RB is the most played mode, everything is predictable.
BVR missiles are launched near the start of the match, furballs appear all over the battlefield where speed become necessary, then there’s the RTB phase if you’ve lived long enough where once again you need the speed.
But going in? Subsonic, preserves fuel. Unless you’re racing for a base in a Tornado.

If no one else has discovered new evidence for a nation coming to WT today, neither have I.

It 's getting late, try again tomorrow.

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Hmmm mortars in enlisted might actually make me reinstall…

And that’s why I dont play ARB. its boring and predictable. Though the last time I tried to play ARB in the Tornado Gr1. I tried to flank and was immediately intercepted and shot down by an F-16, Flares did nothing to defeat his Aim-9L meanwhile mine was instantly defeated. Anyway. In SB. you can preserve fuel early on, but the moment you get close to the enemy line. I hit that full AB and aim to maintain max speed. Not only does that help with lofting but also helps keep me alive from anything equal/slower than me.

In the Tornado F3. being anything less than max speed = death. Instant death. Remember this is not a jet that can turn and defend itself if something gets on its tail. Heck in the Gr7 a sub-sonic. I’ve break checked many a jet, even recently those 1.3 BR higher than the Gr7. But in the F3. Thats death. every. single. time. bleeding 20% of my max energy to defeat an incoming BVR is a death sentence against anything, because my best and only hope for survivng a failed joust is to run away. and as I have a lower max speed and lower acceleration than the Mig-29s. That means loosing as little speed as possible to defend.