Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

I am also waiting for it but i didnt see any suggestion about it so i made one and it is still pending approval. It’s for the 9035DK Mk III.

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Gajin probably not skip F/A-18A because equipped countermeasures 2× AN/ALE-39 60 cartridges

I might hope gajin consider AV-8B Night Attack (NA) to rank 8 under A-7E Corsair II because very good attack aircraft 11.7 but not expect AV-8B+ (USMC) this year, AV-8B+ from USMC got something better AV-8B+ of Marina Militare, especially AV-8B Plus (Late) could carry 4th gen targeting pod Litening G4 & HMCS (Helmet-Mounted Cueing System)

F/A-18A equipped countermeasures AN/ALE-39 60 cartridges because read from F/A-18A suggestion

weren’t the A/B and the C completely different airframes or am I mixing them up with sth else?

Editorial note: I am mixing it up with F/A-18E/F

Well if so that is disappointing, because every tank in warthunder looks the same besides camouflage changes, and weird decorations. Im sure gaijin will charge 500 GE for camouflage netting to have it on your tank and they could make some good money

and them it covers like barely a single armor module

Which is… Exactly what I was saying?

I guess reading can be a bit hard.

you new to the internet or do you really think people will understand you the way it was intended?

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Huh wdym


yea that’s the real life implementation, im talking about the gaijin implementation

Im sure gaijin will come up with something to make it worthy, atleast i hope so…

I see, you’re aiming to be disappointed

even IF gajin decided to add camouflage, then u end up with camouflage for 1 single map type, like the leopard pzbtl123 green camouflage and you need to get a winter version additionaly as a loot box skin, thats why they will be premiums, they can get you to pay 2-3 times once they add a desert style one as well

are camo nets useful in the desert? aint that kinda counter productive?

considering you cant decide to unequip the camonet once you see a map the desert yellow net would be better then the bright green one in a desert

does it even matter tho? everyone’s using thermals anyways

german gen1 thermals… depending on the map/situation u will see enemys better without thermals

either way, since select Icons for “Radar Air lock” and “Radar Air Ground lock” have been Datamined that hints to Ground radars finally being implemented

I hope with that they start to add more usable ordenance like Komoran for F-104G

So any round for any vehicle is fine if it can theoretically fire said round.

Every armor package is not fine for every vehicle that could theoretically mount it because…it doesn’t fit your narrative/agenda?

oh they were? nice

well the Komoran is still debatable if it will actualy useable against ground targets, besides that i hope that the tornados actualy will get the radar ability to detect planes as well

I don’t care about ground targets I wanna rough up ships in Sim (and Naval RB once the BR rises High enough)