Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Typical German Hate


Ehh not completly, gotta remember besides armor and thermal it gets access to DM73 as well, that would be a higher penetration value at least


Oh yea because German players are the victims.

This is the one thing I truly hate about this game

All new jets coming now, will have ARH, I just don’t see them adding an F15 without AMRAAM. As it would definetly be at a BR where it would see nothing but ARH. The complaining would be extreme. Worse than the lack of Aim9M this last update. I’m 99.9% that any F15 added now would have AMRAAM. Same way I expect few if any new jets from now on to not have Aim9M.

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Well, maybe it doesn’t get clipped into the ground for no reason on flat terrain in 1 of 3 games (not even towing helps to free this bugwagon). I would strongly opt to give germany a good and working top tier tank. Currently its a bit meh.


If F-15s get AMRAAM As then they’ll be worse than AIM-7s, either way I won’t complain cause F-15s without AMRAAMs aren’t the end of the world.

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I’m still of the opinion that the best thing to do this December is to jump everything ahead to 13/13.3 only way the game is going to be balanced. But I just don’t see anything new not having Fox 3

It’s not performance. It’s tactics. Though I think Aim7M and aim120A are similar performance. The ability to turn away and defend whilst the F15 has to keep going is automatically going to make it a 1 sided fight

Yeah I was just joking to him. Even with DM53 the 2A7V would still be equal to the SEP in mobility and thermals, but would be better than the SEP in armor, survivability and a very slight advantage in firepower.

The SEP would hold no advantage over the 2A7V, so the SEPv2 or SEPv3 are far closer counterparts.

A counterpart to the SEP in game would be a copy of the 2A6 with better gunner thermals.


hey uhm next expected update release time is november or december right?

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October and December usually

I’m not against a better MBT for Germany.

I’m just saying that other nations that aren’t Sweden and to an extend Russia should also get counterparts.

This has been a thing since the F-14 and the Phoenix.

People brush aside the fact that the Phoenix is the only ARH by saying it is possible to defend against it easily. But being able to defend isn’t even the main point. Still have to dump energy (potential and kinetic) to do so

F-15A, F-15J(early version without AMRAAM) could come now with no problems imo

Germany don’t have counterpart to strv 122, so Sweden can wait a little.

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actualy we do it is the leopard 2a5 TVM

They certainly could come (and probably should have come next update or Dec instead of the recent 12.3s) but I just don’t think they will without aim120 now Japan’s will almost certainly have aim120. And there is no way they’d not add an F15 to the US that only has SARH in the same update.

It would have been like adding the Barrak II with 9M but not the F16C

Nice joke

Actually do you all think we’ll see f18a/b at all or skip straight to f18c? F18c has a different radar though so it wouldn’t be copy paste from av8b.

Nope it’s around October/November

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a/b didnt have countermeasures right? so propably skip right to f18c

For god shakes there are already aircraft in game who don’t have countermeasures.
Stop spreading this false emersion please