Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

I absolutely agree, its just hit or miss whether you are in a ‘just run from the F-5 its slower than you’ hivemind or if people can acknowledge that because the missiles aren’t so flare resistant at 10.3, your flight performance actually matters a lot so planes like the F-5C are basically untouchable.

It is not untouchable. The moment you do 2 turns you are at the mercy of anything because your engine are too weak, but at the same time they are cold, making flaring a brain less task. One pop while flying straight and missile is gone.

Escaping it in thing like MIG mirage 104 ect is a rather easy task, if you dont dog you dictate the rules, but if you dog have fun. Unless 5c is a lvl5, then you will most likely not win.

F4F ICE (Late) NORM 91 Found in the CDK, the only question is how long it was there, and we didn’t find it…




You maintain your speed and also flight performance near indefinitely, plus you can’t be locked and can easily flare everything off, maybe its not untouchable completely but it sure as hell is challenging to kill, put a peer to peer adversary in the F-5 and chances are he’s gonna win regardless.

Oh no. Well, nice it is here, will be implemented in 3 years time

As i said, strong, but not invincible.

But get a squad of good 5c pilots and they can solo match. That is also a thing. And i know this from experience. I have a friend and she is very good with the 5c, she pulled 8 kills 3 games in a row.

H75A-1 [FIN]
H75A-3 [FIN]
H75A-4 [FIN]
H75A-6 [FIN]
Pe-3bis – [FIN]

Omg just give them us

Damn thats sad that possibly means we will never see the abram X the k51 panther hungary is trying to acquire them so we will see it in italy tech tree in future perhaps

Dont worry. If TT would need them, it will get them. But if it needs them is not up to us to decided.

Its also more difficult to lock with IR missiles. Especially against the ground you sometimes need to get that close, that you could use your guns anyways.

I do predict AMRAAM next update. So wouldnt be surprised if its new


Does anyone have any data on what the RP/SL modifiers were about 9 ish months ago compared to now?

Seems like Gaijin reduced research costs and repair costs but also then reduced the modifiers very sneaky like.

The whole free parts thing was a scam. Sometimes it just doesn’t work and even when it does your vehicle works in such a reduced state it doesn’t matter.
Tried repairing my engine after I took a hit and when I was done I was unable to move up the 5° incline I was stuck on.

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abrams x was a prototype of the us /tech demonstrator that one will go to us at one point since it isnt for sell

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I hope gaijin will add it as a premium instead of adding it as a event vehicle.

i mean the PSO is an tech tree as well, nothing to stop the Abrams X from being tech tree as well

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also the Black Night

It works.You just need to wait for a while.It’s better than having no parts.Most of the time teammates dont help damaged tanks.Because of the free repairs you can at least drive to the capture point to repair your tank(might not be possible in some cases)

I think you severely overestimate how many people are actually angry about the PSO. I think even 0.5% of the total playerbase would already be a very high estimate.