Kings of Battle - Rumor Round-Up and Discussion (Part 1)

Gaijn could ask the players, wouldn’t that make sense?

Oh boy that a laugh

Caught! But honestly, that’s what we do in the IT business with our paying customers, and with success

gaijin, will we see Leclerc SXXI, AZUR with OFL 120 F2? (OFL 120 F2 were produced in 1999)


He’s talking about ammunition, not vehicles.

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AMRAAM on the crappy planes this major, decent airframes with bad AMRAAM’s for the Christmas major (Eurofighter please i beg of you Gaijin).

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There are those that reckon that. Im for that too, at least 2 months of having something fun would be nice. But yeah, Typhoon Dec or Feb/March update is what im hoping for. They cant put it off much longer than that

I hope so, I’d take it with just the IR’s or a heavily limited loadout with just maybe the recessed pylons and the wingtip SRAAM pylons available for ordinance.

But in fairness, i doubt i can grind from the Hunter F.6 down to where the first Typhoon will be in time to get it when it drops.

That is quite a grind to go. Might also end up after the F3, but I doubt it. But good luck on that front

But yeah. I see some loadout restriction. 6x Aim-9L (no IRCCM) and 4x AMRAAM would be a reasonable loadout compromise when everything else it would likely be facing is 4-6 Aim-9M and 4x AMRAAM. Especially if we have 2 tiers fox 3. It could be given the lower tier. Easy balance achieved. But the number of times fights are decided with guns at top tier. Having something can turn is going to be amazing

Yup tryna get this Phantom is an absolute grind, the Jag struggles but the Hunters do even worse, so i’ve restarted with the Javelin.

I certainly wouldn’t complain about a loadout like that.

Forreal, not only can it turn incredibly, its a rocketship, its fast as hell, it rates better than definitely the F-18 and likely the F-16 too. It pretty much just maximises the performance in every way it can. But that is exactly why it will need to be weapons limited. But its not like flight performance is irrelevant at top tier so it will be fine.

I think I did most of that grind in the Buc. But that was back when it still had airspawn. Might be worth checking out Air Sim and taking the Jag out to bomb bases. Is quite good fun once you get the hang of SB controls.

Yeah, performance is the issue. It would be one of the strongest jets in the game. But Germany and Britain dont have any other Gen 4 options going forward. Germany does at least have the Mig-29, but Britain… It is unrealistic to expect Britain to be sat twiddling their thumbs for the next year because they built one of the best aircraft in service currently

I made the mistake of becoming addicted but playing on xbox, sim is… interesting on controller.

I wonder i wonder if Britain had a semi-completed aircraft which could reasonably have been adapted to the combat role before the Eurofighter… Even more so if it carried labelled dummy weapons. (I am still salty that i spent a week digging through parliamentary reviews and design evolutions to get told lol no).

That would be because of a fairly simple answer.


Tornado F3 and Sea Harrier FA2 along with the Gr7/Gr9 were all equipped with ASRAAM, which at the time was the most advanced IR missile. It entered service in 1998. Aim-9X didnt enter service till 2003 and even today, Few missiles match ASRAAM

But it was in ground attack where Britain mostly provided support, Gr7/Gr9 were unmatched CAS/Counter insurgency platforms and Tornado Gr4 was a major imrpovement over the Gr1.

Typhoon was a major upgrade for Britain, there is no doubt about it and they were hanging all the hopes of the RAF upon its success. They gambled right. There is a book called “Typhoon” by Mike Sutton. In it he talks about his experience as both a Jaguar Pilot and a Typhoon Pilot at Red Flag events. In the Jaguar he felt like he was just there for the participation ribbon, but not a lot they could do. In the Typhoon, they led the blufor side in the exercise. With I think one airman saying something like “the brits are back”.

I have my doubts the Typhoon is coming at least not this year (2023). Why well for a few reasons one last patch Smin said the Rafale was not coming anytime soon, considering they are similar type of aircrafts I doubt the Typhoon would come before it

Gaijin is already hesitant to add the F-2 or even a limited version of the F-2 instead they went with the extreme choice of the controversial F-16AJ so I also don’t expect a limited Typhoon neither.
2024 seems to be a more realistic option, ofc i would like to see Britain and Germany get better top tier jets, (Italy too but they have better stuff already in the TT like the F-16s.)

F-2 early were just approved as a suggestion, just saying

Ru isnt a super power, sure ussr was, but not ru

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France does have the Mirage 4000 as an option and the mirage 2000 isnt exactly slacking, Especially if it got MICA

Japan could get either XF-2 or F-15s

Germany is “okay” with hte Mig-29 but certainly needs something else soon, or at least it needs an upgrade.

The question is, what is an option for Britain. I was hoping Aim-9M and/or AMRAAM as being a short term exclusive for the Sea Harrier FA2 to give it an edge, but that ship has sailed now. After that, its either Typhoon or ASRAAM

You are probably right, only thing i could think of is that the Rafale used a PESA radar from its outset whilst having the majority of the advantages of Typhoon but tuned down slightly, but that’s just me grasping at straws. Unless they add the Mirage 4000 with MICA’s for France but again i doubt it.

Given the Gripen situation, im betting ETPS or SAAF Gripen C.

those are no indications of it coming. it was pretty clear with the addition of the AJ that they did not want to add any F-2s yet.

Totally. Its as good an indication that it isnt coming, that it is an indication that it is coming in December.